Chapter Five

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A minute of silence passed after the interruption made my Karan but no one spoke a word, Viren was glaring at Karan, who in return just smirked.

"Asshole," Viren cursed, I looked at him in confusion but when Karan chuckled it made obvious that he was cursing at him.

"Calm down my boy, I was just stating the truth," Karan smirked and got another deadly glare from his friend.

"I'll see you later," it was me who spoke up this time.I had to leave before it got any more awkward, Shanaya would be waiting for me anyway and there was no way she was letting me go without being suspicious and popping up her questions.

"Um, sure." Viren said with a smile.

"Bye babe,"



How dare...

But before I could react I heard a deep chuckle which indeed was coming from Karan's way.

"Oh my god, your face!" he just kept laughing after that. I didn't wait for him to say anything else and left the cafeteria.

I kept cursing my whole way to the classroom and I knew my cheeks were flushed at the moment which is why I got suspicious looks from Varnika and Shanaya as soon as I entered.

"Where were you?" And like I expected, here it goes. Shanaya was like that suspicious boyfriend who thought his girlfriend was cheating on him and that's why she asked me so many questions.

"I went to talk to Viren," I stated the truth.

"Why would you do that?" Shanaya was going to be mad at me and she didn't had to tell that, I knew it instantly. But I couldn't handle that so I explained to her everything that happened in the morning and how I got a call from Viren last evening.

While I spoke, Varnika and Shanaya just listened to me patiently. I could see Shanaya's anger melting away as she tried to understand everything.

"If you think I did anything wrong, you've every right to be mad at me," I told Shanaya when I finished speaking.

"I think what you did was right," she said with a smile and I just hugged her in return.

The day passed quickly and before I knew the bell rang and it was time to go back home. Varnika and Shanaya made their way to where their cabs were and I came near mine.

It surprised me to see that Viren and Karan were standing just near my cab. Viren caught my eye and waved at me and I did the same.

"What's up?" I asked when I reached to two of them.

"Nothing much, do you want to walk home today?" Viren's question surprised me but the day wasn't bad and I didn't feel much tired so I just simply nodded.

"Let me just inform the driver," I said

"I told him already." It was Karan who spoke this time.

"Oh," was all I could say. How did he know I was going to agree?

I was still mad at him for calling me babe but it was not worth because he obviously didn't seem to care.

Why would he anyway?

The walk to my home wasn't too long unless you had two cartoons walking along with you who had to stop everywhere on the way.

"How do you know where I live?" I asked Viren.

"This guy stalked you, I guess he told you that." Karan answered from his side.

He seemed much nicer than I thought, he kept cracking jokes about Viren and I was surprised to laugh along. Viren only cursed at him in response which made me giggle.

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