Chapter Thirty Seven

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The dark brown orbs of his almost absorbed me in as he took a good look at me, taking in detail of each and every curve of my body and I shifted under his gaze.

The heat was still radiating off his hands as they were pressed against my thighs and I gulped due to the nervousness of the moment.

"H-hey." I managed to stutter back.

"Go on, have your shot." He said casually and I frowned at his words.

But then I was reminded of the tequila shot I'd ordered in hopes of avoiding him. I turned towards the bar again and so did Rayhan, his hands losing the grip on my thighs and making me mentally crave for his touch again.

"Two beers, please." Rayhan told the bartender who nodded at his request and I ignored him for two minutes, savouring the taste of burning liquor on my tongue.

When I recovered from my frozen and half drunk state, I took in a deep breath before turning to face Rayhan again but what shocked me further was that he was already walking away towards his table.

I literally gaped at him as I saw his back turned towards me but then I jumped out of the bar stool and followed him in a pace faster than his.

"Where are you going?" I grabbed him from his elbow and made him face me.

He scowled at me, "I came to bar to order drinks for my date and I. Now that I have my drinks I'm going back to her."

My jaw hung up at his words and I blinked at him thrice, to make sure that he seriously said that and I wasn't just hallucinating Rayhan-Annoying-Roy  turn into Rayhan- Cold-And-Selfish-Bastard-Roy.

"Okay." I nodded, removing my hand from his elbow.

He wanted to play games? Okay, let's play games. If he didn't give a fuck about me, or at least pretended not to, I wasn't going to stand here and look like a love sick puppy dying for his attention, either.

As I saw up in his eyes, I could tell he was confused and disappointed that I didn't react the way he wanted me to, but that was my win and I clearly enjoyed it.

The bar was getting more crowdy as the night came but I didn't mind. After leaving Rayhan confused with my reaction, I got back to bar and sighed in relief to see Samarth back to accompany me. I wouldn't lie to myself so I sort of agree, I was a little woozy but I didn't care at the moment.

I wanted to forget about my constant and almost non-existing problems and alcohol and fun was my way out of it.

"Since that didn't work well, let's resort to the plan?" Samarth smirked and I nodded at him with a wicked smile.

"Jealousy can be dangerous, it can consume to such an extent that you feel like you're going to drown in it and not make out alive, until you act against it." I stopped, giving him a knowing smile, "So, we do exactly that. Make him jealous to get a reaction out of him."

"Cheers to that." Samarth handed me my glass of vodka and I smiled before gulping it down.

Well, now I could say that I was moving from my half drunk state to more than half drunk state but I wasn't entirely buzzed.

"I'm sure you can manage to sway a little with so much alcohol in your system." He shouted over the music and I shook my head which turned out to be a terrible mistake.

"I hate dancing." I pouted like a baby and he chuckled.

"Okay, you're already sort of drunk so no more alcohol for you but let's go dance. All you have to do is throw your hands up in the air and sway your hips a little, I'm sure you can manage that much and when you're drunk it's even better. You will start to get a sober in a while." He tried to convince me and I mentally debated but then gave in.

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