Chapter Eighteen

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Cover in the media by @_srishti_
Thank you so much for it


People danced on the beats of music that buzzed through the house while I watched my best friend swaying with a girl he met fifteen minutes back, he was smiling, in fact laughing as he enjoyed his time with the girl.

I didn't realize I was staring at Nishant until his eyes met mine, from the distance I could see him passing out a cute smile to me, which I returned back - kind of giving him an assurance that I was alright. He refused to look away and after the girl saw him looking at my way I myself retracted my gaze from him and started glancing at people around me. It was kind of awkward for me to stare at him like that, especially when he was having a good time with another girl.

While looking at my surroundings I saw something that caught my eye, rather someone. I almost heard myself gasp at the sight of the couple I was trying to ignore ever since my life got ruined. In an instant I looked away, mentally praying that they didn't see me.

After two minutes of keeping my face at opposite direction I heard someone speak, "Hey."

I was ready to face the drama but was surprised as I looked up to see a very handsome guy staring right back at me, just to confirm he was talking to me I looked at both of my side seats - both of which were empty.

"Hey." I replied with a smile I could manage the best.

"Can I have a dance with you?" He asked with a charming smile. He was probably blind for asking me, an-average-looking-girl for a dance when with the looks he had he could get any hot one.

"I am sorry but I don't know how to dance." I fumbled with my fingers as I blushed with embarrassment.

"That's the worst excuse to turn down a guy." He frowned and I couldn't help but see he looked even more handsome as he did that.

"Believe me, I'm not lying."

"Well, I'll believe if you prove that to me." He smirked and I cracked a smile.

"Alright, do not blame me later." I said as I stood up from the couch, the guy offered me a hand which I gladly took. He led me to the centre of the room where he started dancing and being the dumb person I was who didn't know how to dance I tried to copy his moves.

The guy danced pretty well and I couldn't help but notice under the bright lights that he had the most attractive green eyes.

He caught my stare as I looked into his eyes and rather than pointing it he gave out the most amazing smile, that smile itself made me blush.

After five minutes of awkward dancing here and there the guy finally decided to speak up, "I am sorry but I didn't catch your name.."

"Tanvi, and you are?"

"Krish." I nodded which again led to a silence between two of us.

"Well, if I've proven my point can we get back? I don't feel very special getting embarrassed." I remarked sarcastically and he laughed, nodding.

"You have a nice name between." I gave out a grin at that.

"Thank you."

When we got back to the table I expected him to leave but instead he took a seat besides me on the couch.

"So which one of the organisers do you know of this party?" He asked casually. I wasn't aware of the fact that there was any other organiser to this party except Arjun.

"Umm.. Arjun, what about you?"

"Same, how do you know him?" He tried to look out genuinely interested, or maybe he was.

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