Chapter Fifteen

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My phone's screen remained blank even after the infinite times I've looked at it, my mind kept telling me that staring at it every other second wouldn't make a message pop up on the screen but my heart, my stupid broken heart didn't listen to my mind.

The problem was, it never did.

My heart always had a plan of its own for that matter, my mind was always against the idea of relationships because it knew the possibilities of me getting hurt but my heart, turning a deaf ear to what my mind had to say went on its own and placed it in hands of a player.

What did that player do to it? He held my heart in his hands, at first giving it the best care but later the idea of just keeping it there untouched started to bore him so he started to play with it a little. Even then my stupid heart thought it was okay for him to enjoy with it - unaware of the fact that it was going to be murdered and ripped apart by those same hands later.

My heart was a traitor to itself, to me because even after all what Karan did - it couldn't manage to hate him. My lips missed the soft touch of his own, my body ached for his presence around and my heart, well it just longed for him to come back.

The feeling was totally alien, tears were now stained on my cheeks and it felt like I haven't moved from my place since months - well, the truth was it had just been a week.

A week full of pain.

I let him go, call it whatever you want but I let Karan go from my life - I didn't ask him to stay, I didn't beg him not to leave me. Sometimes you have to let go of things, things you need and sometimes those things are just a single person you love. It was not because I didn't love him, it was because I did love him. When you love a person it isn't a necessity to be with them, if you love them with all your heart you'd be happy with the choices they make - even if a choice to leave you hanging in the middle of your own life.

Karan didn't love me anymore; in fact I doubt if he ever did but there was no reason for me to ask him to stay when I knew it would all be out of pity. I didn't shed a single tear in front of him, I wanted to be strong and came out to be strong when I didn't scream or shout at him, when I didn't cry or begged him not to leave me. I just sat there silently until he walked away.

The promises he made came rushing back to my mind - the promise of never letting me go.

The promise he made to be there for me whenever I would look out for him, he promised me that he would never really leave my side, he made a promise that no matter what happened he would love me till eternity, but when my tears couldn't stop why couldn't I find him here by my side wiping them and telling me that things would be alright.

I wonder if he forgot the promises he made and therefore broke them but somewhere deep inside I knew that it was me he forgot and it was me whom he broke apart.

I was angry at him, rather I was furious. How could he do that to me? All I gave him was my love, my entire being and what I got in return were the last few words that he said to me - the words that make my heart rip apart just by thinking of them.

The words full of hatred.

I pushed the sound of those words back in my mind, it ached me to remember the things he said to me after I asked him why he was doing what he was.

Was this his kind of love and promises, the one that were meant to be broken?

We were laughing at something Viren just said, I couldn't help but focus my attention on Karan's deep laugh and the butterflies that it gave to me.

"Promise me something?" I drew his attention to myself by nudging my elbow with his.

He looked down at me with a smile on his face, "What kind of promise?"

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