Chapter Twenty Two

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A minute of silence passed while I gaped at Rayhan, who had a bemused expression on his face. The moment I realised I was staring at him I averted my gaze, but when I was about to turn around he waved at me like an adorable child would.

He then started swaying his hips in a girly manner while I felt my eyes popping out of their sockets. It took my mind a minute to register that he was mimicking my moves from before and when I couldn't hold back anymore, I bursted out in giggles.

When he stopped, he pointed towards something and I frowned. I looked in the direction his finger was and realised he was asking me to come in Varnika's balcony. I unlocked the door of her room that let me out to balcony and surprisingly felt a fresh air brushing over my skin.

"Fancy seeing you here." Rayhan smirked as soon as I stepped out.

"Are you stalking me?"

His eyes went out big for a second but he recomposed himself and smirked, "You wish."

"Whatever. You don't really feel guilty for watching three girls dancing, do you?" I raised an eyebrow, trying to hide the blush that was rising to my cheeks as he shook his head which clearly meant 'no'.

To say I felt vulnerable in front of him would be an understatement in itself, it was beyond that. Honestly, I never agreed to dancing ever before and now when I did, someone was watching me the entire time and just to make it worse, that someone was a guy.

All this while I had been mentally cursing Shanaya and Varnika for not drawing the curtains of the room.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest to come out a bit more confident about myself.

"Skydiving," He said, giving me an innocent smile, "Isn't it obvious I live here?"

"You're Varnika's neighbour?"

"I guess I heard my name." With that, Varnika and Shanaya stepped in the balcony. Both of them looked baffled as they threw curious glances between Rayhan and me.

"Hey there!" Rayhan called out for Varnika, who in an instant turned to him and passed a flying kiss - in a very seductive manner, may I add.

Being the charmer, Rayhan pretended to catch her kiss and I scoffed at them; it felt just so filmy thing to do.

"How're you doing Ray?" Varnika asked in her high pitched voice.

"I am good Varnika, how're you?"

"I am great," with that she turned to Shanaya and I and made us step forward in the balcony area than we already were, she then gestured towards us, "These are my friends." She introduced in all-so-girly manner.

"Hey, I'm Shanaya." Shanaya waved at him, which he returned.

"Rayhan." He passed on a charming smile.

When I made no attempt to introduce myself Shanaya took it upon herself to do that job for me, "This is Tanvi," she grinned at him and elbowed me in the stomach while whispering in my ear, "Say hello to the guy Tanvi, don't be rude."

Just to satisfy my best friend I awkwardly waved at him, with a fake smile plastered on my face which made the cocky Rayhan smirk.

"What were you doing here in balcony and why is it so dark here? You should've turned on the lights." Varnika ranted on while she stepped towards my left to the switch on the balcony lights.

Honestly, I was so busy processing the fact that a guy saw my ugly dancing, that it never occured to me if there were any lights out here.

"If I'm not mistaken, I've met your friend before."  Rayhan casually spoke, which caught both of my friends' attention.

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