Chapter Forty One

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I might have gasped audibly loud for them to hear me, as second later they turned around to witness my presence.

Karan and Rayhan, brothers?

My eyes blinked a few times on it's own, as if to make sure I wasn't hallucinating anything but there they were, sitting few steps below me.

Fear flashed in Rayhan's eyes as he saw my expressionless face while Karan looked too surprised to do anything.

"Tanvi, I-" Rayhan got up from the stairs as he started climbing up the steps towards me but I held up my hand to make him stop.

"Is he your cousin?" I looked straight into Karan's eyes, demanding an answer as my mind went blank.

"Tanvi?" Rayhan called out my name but I didn't even spare him a single glance.

"Karan? I'm asking you something."

He got up from his place as well and came to stand right in front of me, closer than I could allow Rayhan to be near me.

"Yes, he is but that doesn't changes the fact that he loves you, and he hid it from you because -"

I didn't let him say further, I couldn't. For the first time in my life, I wasn't confused or even felt the walls of my heart breaking because this was how it always went, didn't it? This was my fate, this was my life, to end up heartbroken.

"I don't need to hear anything else, Karan." I gave him a small yet sad smile before speaking again, "I've to go home now, Vaibhav needs me for some work. Hope you can give your cousin a lift home." I said before handing over Rayhan's shopping bags to his brother, along with the gift I bought for him.

Before I could pull open the fire exit gate, Rayhan took ahold of my wrist and I frowned.

"Karan, can you leave us alone for a minute?" He requested him but his eyes were set on me.

Karan nodded as he passed me a reassuring smile and went inside the mall again. 

"Will you at least look at me?" Rayhan asked, his voice almost pleading.

"Say?" I snapped, looking straight into his eyes which had hurt evident from my sharp tone.

"Look, I'm sorry okay? I didn't want to hide it from you Tanvi, and him being my cousins changes nothing at all." He took ahold of my hand, interlacing my fingers with his but I didn't make an effort to hold onto his grip.

"You knew, didn't you?" I asked, my voice cold and sharp.

"Knew what?" He frowned at me.

"Karan and Varnika, how they lied to me for an year. Basically, everything?" I cocked an eyebrow, not being able to keep track of my feelings.

I wasn't so sure about the accusations I was throwing at him but when he retracted his gaze away from mine, I knew I was being lied to this whole time not only by Karan and Varnika, but also Rayhan.

"You saw me break one piece after another that night Rayhan, couldn't you bother to tell me that you knew everything all along?" I asked, managing to keep my voice straight.

I was hurt, definitely but I failed to feel the depth of it.

"I wanted to, Tanvi but I was afraid to lose you." He almost yelled, his voice cracking a bit.

"Well, you lose me now, Rayhan." I said, looking at his face for the last time before turning around and leaving him alone.

Thankfully, my car keys were in my pocket and as soon as I got out of the mall, I drove straight to my home. When I reached there, my parents were still out including my brother which left me alone at my place, but I was used to this by now. I lied when I said Vaibhav needed me because he didn't, he was out with his friends and that was just an excuse to get away from Rayhan and Karan.

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