Chapter Twenty Nine

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Dedicated to inzeffable for being such a babe! I lovee you my sautan, you're the best. Thank you for being an amazing reader and writer. Check out her book ULTERIOR ROYALTY. You'll fall in love with her writing, that's my promise.


"Tanvi, is that you?" I turned around to see my brother with a cricket bat in his hand while he had horrified expressions on his face.

"Why the hell are you holding that shit?" I gaped at him, to which he returned a glare.

"What the fuck are you doing here at four in the morning, and who the hell is he?" He eyed Rayhan as I saw anger rising in him and his protective brother emotions taking him over.

"Vaibhav, something happened at the party so I came back home and this is Rayhan, the guy who came with me that day along with his younger brother. He stayed here to make sure I'm alright." I told him, trying to stop his negative thoughts through my speech and I saw as he visibly relaxed, only for seconds though.

"Dude! Are you fucking kidding me? I thought someone broke into the house and I was probably going to die,I literally sent a goodbye message to Ananya right now." From the look, he kept throwing daggers at me the whole time but I couldn't but laugh at his misery.

"Drama queen." I said in between my giggles.

"Pst.. but, are you really okay? Your eyes are way too much swelled." He pointed out and almost immediately I stopped laughing.

"Yes, I'm fine." I gave out a small smile to him and he nodded.

"I don't appreciate you bringing guys home at such odd hours though." He pointed at, staring at Rayhan who looked amused with the whole situation.

"I'll just leave." He got up as he said that and then offered me a hand to stand as well that I gladly took.

"No, I'm not letting you go back and drive at this hour, you can stay the night here and can leave in the morning." I told him as Vaibhav threw curious glances at us.

"Are you two a thing?" He asked and my eyes immediately widened.

"What? No! I ain't dating this kid." I cringed at the thought and Rayhan chuckled.

"Kid? Oh well, sorry but Tanvi he's much taller than you." My brother gave me an amused smile and I huffed.

"She actually likes me, she's just in denial." Rayhan winked at me and I narrowed my eyes at him, Vaibhav following my actions which made Rayhan clear his throat to lessen the awkwardness. "A guy can joke, right?" He laughed lightly and my brother relaxed.

"Anyway, Tanvi is right, you can take the guest room and you can change into my clothes." Vaibhav offered and my eyes literally widened at that.

Since when did my brother become so cool to let my guy friends stay over?

Maybe since he realized that I'm finally an adult.

"Are you sure that you guys won't have a problem if I stay?" Rayhan asked us, sounding unsure of himself.

"Yes, it's okay with us, really. After all, what you did for me tonight was a lot, letting you stay the night is the least I can do." I beamed at him which he returned with a nod.

After that, three of us went downstairs where after giving Vaibhav's clothes to Rayhan and showing him to the guest room, I went straight to my bed.

The day was exhausting already but crying out every emotion that had been bottled up since an year just made it worse. I knew talking about everything made me weak again as my strong facade was long gone, but maybe this is what I needed after all.

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