Chapter Ten

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Silence surrounded me as tears streamed down my face. At first, I couldn't process what he said but then it striked me - Karan was leaving me.

I haven't spoken a word since then, I tried to say something but the words just didn't come.

"Say something?" Karan plead on the other side of the line.

The reason I didn't want to say anything was because I knew if I speak a word, my voice would crack and I would burst into sobs but I didn't want Karan to know that I was crying. No, I didn't want to come off as a weak person.

"Tanvi, you there?" This was the third time he repeated the same thing and I nodded - I forgot that he couldn't see me.

"Yeah" I murmured but like I expected, my voice came out almost as a whisper.

"Why are you crying?" Karan's voice was one of confusion.

Why was I crying?

Was there a reason I shouldn't be crying?

I didn't want this to happen, not today when it had been the best day of my life - not when I experienced the first kiss with my love. Heck, I didn't want this to happen ever.

Didn't this boy know how much happy he made me even though I was always nervous around him. Didn't this boy know how much I loved when he teased me at times, only to annoy me though. Doesn't this boy know how much I was in love with him?

He made me feel things I didn't know existed until I met him.

Something then striked me.

"I love you Karan." It was merely a whisper but I had to say it. I couldn't hold back any longer.

Karan actually didn't know how much he affected me and my life because we never shared our feelings with each other. We did but it was on rare occassions.

He had to know how exactly I felt for him. One of the main reasons I confessed my love for him was that maybe, just maybe it would make him change his mind. I know it was selfish of me to say that now but I couldn't afford to lose him.

When Karan didn't speak for a long minute I thought maybe he hung up on the phone, but the call was on when I checked. He didn't hung up on me. The second thought was that maybe he didn't heard me but when I heard him sigh on the other side of the line it was clear he heard me confess it.

"Say something?" I plead, repeating his own words from minutes ago.

Again a long break but then he finally spoke up.

"I love you too Tanvi."

I blinked once, twice then thrice and then I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

Did Karan just say I love you too?

"What.. did.. did you just said that?" I wasn't sure if I heard him correct. I had to make sure, maybe I heard him wrong or maybe I was just hearing things.

"Yes Tanvi, I love you too." he sighed.

Oh my god.

Then something happened I thought was only possible in movies - I was crying like a baby and smiling so wide all at the same time.

Just like I said - He made me feel things I didn't know existed in this real world, until I met him.

I was a girl who tried to hold back her tears when I first got injured while learning how to ride a bicycle, my knee was bruised badly but I refused to spill down any tear yet here I was - crying like a mad woman.
He made me sensitive, I guess love did that to people and I didn't have a choice when my heart was already his.

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