Chapter Eleven

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Four Months.

Four freaking months.

It's been four months since I had a proper conversation with my only boy best friend, Nishant.

At first it was my ego which didn't let me make a first move to talk to him and sort out things but later I was just hurt by the fact that the only person who had faith in my choice said those words.

"That guy isn't right for you Tanvi, I told you to be careful but now I'm saying it to you that he isn't the right person. Sooner or later, he'll leave."

I don't know why but I kept repeating those words he said to me all over again, I told myself that he'll be okay he needs some time but weren't four months enough for a person to get back to himself especially when two of you knew each other almost whole your life? For Nishant, they weren't enough I suppose.

"Lost somewhere babe?" I almost jumped in my seat and to my surprise Karan's face was merely inches away from mine.

We were out for a movie, it was like some unspoken rule that once in a month we used to hang out together, other than school and most of the times we ended up watching one or another movie. On our movie dates Karan would borrow car from either of his friends, he said it was convenient for both of us that way and I didn't argue much on that.

He leaned forward and soon enough his lips met mine, the kiss was smooth like always, Karan was a good kisser and I could not deny that ever. I did that once, just to tease him and he ended up having pout on his face whole day in school. I made up to him later, I told him the exact words he wanted to listen.

"You're the best kisser."

After that we shared our longest kiss so far. I didn't count the minutes but I just knew.

I didn't repeat the same mistake of making out with him in the theatre, I didn't let my common sense disappear after that. It was the second time something like this was happening but who was I to complain when Karan's lips on mine made me forget about all other things.

I loved how Karan's one touch could make me forget about every other thought that surrounded my mind, how just the perfect movement of our lips sent endless flutters to my stomach.

Soon Karan pulled away, leaving me breathless. I placed a soft peck on his cheek and leaned into him. After that we watched the movie without any distraction, my thoughts of Nishant were now replaced with one of Karan.

He was all I could ask for as a boyfriend. I remember on Ananya's birthday I wondered by looking at her and my brother whether or not I would stumble across someone who would make me happy on my worst days. When Karan asked me to be his girlfriend that day, I knew that I already found the perfect match of mine.

"I love you." I said while looking up at him.

"I love you too babe."

I never got tired of listening to those words, everytime he confessed he loved me back a part of me fell deeper in love with him.

After the movie got over we decided to eat at KFC, since Karan was starving and he wanted to have nothing else than chicken it was the only place we both could agree on.

While Karan went up to get our food two small children playing around in the food court caught my eye. One was girl and the other was boy, both looked of the same age. The boy was running after the girl while she giggled and tried to run away from him. I smiled at how it reminded me of my childhood memories with Nishant. Again I found myself thinking why was he behaving the way he was.

"What's up with you today?" I startled at the voice but soon calmed down to see it was no one else but Karan.

"What do you mean?" I looked at him in confusion.

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