Chapter Thirty Nine

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Chapter dedicated to @yagappar for always being such a supportive brother. Thank you. :D


Rayhan was still looking at me as if I had suddenly grown two heads while I nervously smiled at him.

"Say it again?" He whispered, still blinking his eyes and I grinned.

"I love you, Rayhan." I pressed a small kiss on his lips and was about to part away when he pulled me back and kissed me with all his might.

I could feel him smiling against my lips, his happiness so evident that it literally ruined the kiss but it didn't matter, our happiness did.

"I love you, too." He breathed and I felt such a kind of satisfaction that I had never experienced before.

"Let's have lunch now?" I looked up at him with a small smile and he nodded as he took my hand in his and we made our way to the entrance.

I ordered pasta for myself while Rayhan said he wanted to have pizza. He was looking like an idiot as he kept staring at me with a smile on his face and I had to hide mine away.

"Stop staring." I said as I tried to hide behind the menu and he laughed as he removed it.

"I like to stare at what's mine."

"So, now we have copyright on each other?" I asked with an amused smile.

"Nope! But, yes, you agreed to be my girlfriend which I thought wouldn't happen until I was on my death bed. So, I'm just really happy."

"Well, get used to the happiness then." I grinned at him as I kept my hand over his on the table.

When our food came, we had it while discussing school and college and how Rayhan was so deeply interested in biology and wanted to be a doctor.

"You know before I saw your schedule I thought Nishant and you had same subjects. That's why I asked you to take his help, I never presumed you to be a science student." I told him, honestly.

Science wasn't my thing and when I was asked to prepare his schedule, I was shocked to find out subjects like Chemistry, Biology, Physics written in the list. I remember calling him up and asking him if he had written the wrong subjects but turned out, it was only me who was wrong.

"I remember you stating that but I don't know why I didn't bother to correct you back then. It's okay, science peeks up my interest."

"We're opposites. I despised science and maths." I said after taking a sip from my coke.

"Well, explains why we're together, opposites attract." He winked at me.

"Could you be any more cheesier, Ray?" I laughed and he just shrugged.

After that we finished our food in silence, often eating from each other's plates and bickering over it but spending time with Rayhan had always been fun.

We had an obvious argument over the bill and he won it because he promised to let me pay next time and I really hoped he didn't say that just to get away this time.

"I'll drop you home and leave after that, okay?" I told him as I drove out of the parking lot.

"Arush will be happy to know that you're officially my girlfriend." He said, satisfied with himself and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't think it will make a difference to him."

He shrugged at that and the rest of the drive was spent in silence with Rayhan and I humming along the songs.

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