Chapter Eight

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My palms were sweaty as I made my way to the classroom, I'd never been this nervous before but the only reason I wasn't backing off the situation was because if I did back off, it will lead to worst circumstances.

If Shanaya and Varnika were to find out about my relationship with Karan from someone else, I wouldn't doubt if they would never want to see my face again. They were the closest people to me and I know it would hurt them to find out from somewhere else.

"Hey," I said, keeping the best smile on when I approached the two of them. Just after giving me a look, both of them looked the other way as if they never saw me which only added to my nervousness.

"What's up?" I asked, making them look at me again.

"Why didn't you tell?" Shanaya asked and my eyes went wide in shock.

How did they already know?

Who told them?

"I was going to tell you but everything happened so hurriedly that I never got a chance. I was going to call you just after he asked me but-"

"Wait, what?" Both of them looked at me like I grew a pair of horns on my head.

"What?" I looked back at two of them, not understanding what made them behave like this.

"Who asked you out and what happened?" Varnika asked and I mentally slapped myself.

Of course they didn't know and they were talking about something else, why do I have to jump to conclusions always?

"What were you two talking about?" I asked, looking like a fool right now.

"Karan and Viren coming at your place, but who the hell proposed you and what exactly happened Tanvi?" Shanaya's cold voice made me jump and I literally had to tell myself to stay calm.

"Karan asked me to be his girlfriend." I confessed and I heard Shanaya gasp.

"And?" Shanaya waited for me to go on and complete the sentence but I knew the reaction out of these two wouldn't be good.

"I said yes, because I too like him," I said each word carefully.

"What?" Varnika's eyes were so wide that it felt like they would pop out of their sockets, her lips were parted and she looked too shocked to say anything.

Definitely not the reaction I expected.

I expected at least Varnika to be happy for me but she stood there in a silent mode just staring at me while Shanaya was still wrapping her head around the information.


Of course Karan would chose this moment to approach me. But just looking at his face made me feel better, my face lit up just looking at his perfect features and all the worry seemed to disappear.

"Hey, how're you?" I asked, smiling from ear to ear.

"Never been better," He took ahold of my hand and interwined our fingers, I could feel myself blushing and that made Karan smirk.

I was in my happy moment when someone caught my attention poring holes through where our hands were interwined. Varnika was totally over reacting on the moment, making me feel weird. I didn't let go of Karan's hand even when Shanaya cleared her throat clearly indicating she was in an awkward situation.

"Karan, I'll see you in recess." I finally told Karan. After nodding and giving his best smile he let go of my hand and left.

"You didn't feel it necessary to consider talking to me once before you told him your decision?" Shanaya looked at me in disgust and that didn't make me feel guilty rather just made me furious.

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