Chapter Thirty Five

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I felt someone's hands gripping my shoulder and shaking me up as I felt a hot breath tickling my ear.

"Wakie wakie, sleeping beauty." He whispered and I groaned as I rolled over to the different side and buried my face deeper into the pillow.

I heard a chuckle and two arms were wrapped around my waist to make me roll over again and in my grumpy state, I sat up straight, which is when I realized that it wasn't Nishant who was trying to wake me up but it was the annoying Rayhan Roy.

"Go away Ray, just let me sleep." I said as I motioned to lay on my bed again but before I could even complete my actions, my senses came to life and I gaped at Rayhan as I almost yelled, "What the fuck are you doing here Rayhan Roy? You had an exam." My mouth was hung open and my sleepy state was long gone by now.

He chuckled at my reaction before speaking up, "Don't curse so loudly, your mother is just across the hallway and in the living room." He warned and I nodded.

"But what the fuck are you doing here? You had an exam." I whisper-yelled at him as I repeated the same words which seemed to amuse him further.

"You're really adorable sometimes." He whispered back as he ruffled my already messed up hair and I grunted at him.

"Rayhan, you're annoying me now." And he was.

Did he miss his exam? If he did, I was literally going to slap him and never talk to him again.

"I thought I annoy you all the time?" He puckered an eyebrow with a smirk across his face and I scowled.

"Fuck off, will you?" I glared at him.

"Gladly, I'm only waiting for your persmission though and yes, some privacy is required as well. It isn't a good idea while your mom is in the living room." He had this smug look on his face while I knew I was as red as a tomato at his words.

What was even wrong with him?

"I didn't mean that literally." I rolled my eyes, trying to hide away the flush.

"I know and to answer your question, it's after two in the afternoon, school got over and when I had no messages from you after you decided to switch off your phone last night, I was worried to death so I went home, changed my clothes and came here to check up on you but you were sleeping so I thought of waiting but got bored after half an hour. So, here we are." He explained and I nodded my head as I processed all the information.

"I didn't know I slept in so late." I rubbed my eyes as I took the support of headboard behind me. I felt exhausted for some reason unknown to me but I chose to ignore it as I looked at Rayhan, "How was your exam?"

"It was okay." He gave out a small smile as he held my hand but I slowly slipped out of his grip.

"Okay, now that you know I'm fine, you can leave." I stated as I tried not to meet his eyes.

It was too early for me to process my thoughts and I needed sometime alone to gather them before I could face someone else.

"I know you're not okay Tanvi, this is the first time I've looked at you without any kohl or eyeliner and I can clearly tell how much tears you spilled last night,which is why I'm not leaving." His voice was calm and soft, and I could tell he was trying to be patient with me.

This is why I didn't let anyone near me until I was presentable enough. Right now, I was in my pjs and a loose tshirt with my hair all ruffled and messy and my eyes, I knew were definitely swelled.

"Okay." I sighed and he leaned forward but before he could accompalish his actions, I moved out of my bed.

"What?" He pouted and I narrowed my eyes at him.

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