Y/N Lupin had been friends with the Weasleys since first year, they were inseparable. Ever since her parents and older brother, Carter, died in a tragic fire, just before the summer, at the Lupin mansion, she has been staying with her Uncle Remus.
Alfie is just over a month old now and it's christmas day. I woke up bright and early to the sound of Alfie crying. I got up out of bed, picked him up out of his crib and got back into bed to feed him. He stopped crying once he'd latched himself onto me. Fred was still fast asleep next to me, he could sleep through everything.
Once I'd fed Alfie I went downstairs with him to see if anyone was awake.
''Merry Christmas'' Charlie said from the kitchen.
''Merry Christmas'' I said placing a kiss on his cheek and sat next to him.
''Yeah please'' I said yawning. Alfie lay on my chest tucked into my neck.
''Wait till you see what I got for him for christmas''
''Please say it's not a dragon''
''No not yet, he's too young for that silly'' He replies as if it was an obvious thing to know.
''I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it was'' I laugh.
''Here you go'' he says handing me the tea.
We moved over to the living room after a while of talking, Alfie had fell back to sleep so I lay him in his rocker.
''Merry Christmas'' Molly said coming down the stairs, ''Where's my favourite little boy?''
''Here I am!'' Fred says yawning while coming down the stairs.
''I meant my little Alfie, where's my gorgeous grandson'' she cooed at Alfie causing to him to let out a big yawn and a smile when he saw Molly.
''Merry Christmas love'' Fred says sitting next to me giving me a kiss on the forehead. ''You go get ready, I'll watch him''
I went upstairs to get changed. Although I was now a mum, my fashion sense was still a big priority of mine.
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Y/N's Outfit (Optional, you can just decide if you like)
Even though we were just staying in the house I always liked to look nice on christmas. I headed back downstairs to see everyone else had joined us.
''Merry Christmas'' I said as I headed into the living room.
''Merry Christmas'' They replied, I took a seat on the floor.
''Well let's get a start on presents'' Molly says. ''Let's do our's first''
Alfie say on Dad's knee while he played peekaboo with him. He loved that game, he'd always kick his little feet up and down in excitement. He adored dad.
We'd just finished opening presents, I got lots and lots of sweets with a new scarf from Molly and Arthur and from my mum and dad I got some pyjamas. Alfie was absolutely spoilt with presents.
He got:
- A personalised blanket from Molly and Arthur.
- A teddy comforter from Mum and Dad
- An 'I love my Uncle' baby grow from George.
- Dummies with dragons on them from Charlie.
Ginny, Bill, Fleur and Ron were going to be coming over a bit later. It will be the first time they've seen Alfie. The day was spent watching muggle christmas movies and eating. Molly's christmas dinner was the best, I always looked forward to that. The rest of the Weasley's had just apperated in.
''Let me see the baby'' Ginny shouted as soon as she got here.
''He's in here'' I replied.
''He? I have a little nephew'' she said in awe as soon as she saw him.
''What's he called?'' Ron said as he sat down on the other side of me.
''Alfie Remus Weasley'' Fred said as he stood at the door frame with a cup of tea, ''My mini me'' he said proudly making everyone laugh.
''He's adorable'' Ginny said, ''Can I hold him?''
''Of course'' I replied passing him over. ''I need to bath him later if you want to help''
''Yeah definitely, awe he's the cutest''
''Don't get any idea's sis'' Fred warned.
''Of course not'' She said defensively.
''He looks exactly like you Fred bloody hell''
''No nasty words in front of the baby Ron'' Fred said smacking him over the head.
''Alright alright! What's he like?'' Ron asks.
''Eats, sleeps and cries'' I reply.
''He's like a proper baby, wicked!'' Ron says which had us all a bit confused.
It was time to put Alfie in the bath, Ginny was super excited. I ran the bath and made sure the water was a perfect temperature before laying him down in his seat. Baths were another thing Alfie loved. I taught Ginny what to do and she was surprisingly really good at taking care of Alfie. He was quite a happy baby, he was always really excited. At the end of bath time I got him out and wrapped him up in a towel. Ginny choose what baby grow we were going to put him in and she thought it would be funny to choose the 'I love my uncle' one. I decided on having an early night with Alfie so I put him in his crib and got into bed myself.
Fred's POV
I came upstairs to see what Y/N was doing as she had been a while. I creaked open the door quietly in case anyone was asleep and there they were, the two people I adore most in the world, asleep. I heard movement in the crib, I must've woke him up with the door. I walked over to see him smiling and wriggling around all excited. I love the life out of this boy.
''Come on, we'll take you downstairs'' I whispered and took him into my arms.
We went downstairs to where everyone was sitting and having a drink.
''Look who's awake'' Tonks cooed at Alfie reaching out for him. ''Where's Y/N?''
''Asleep, she was up pretty early this morning'' I replied taking a seat next to George.
''I see he's got his new baby grow on, he looks brilliant'' George laughs.
''He'll grow out of it soon, he's growing fast'' I point out.
''Then I'll get him another one''
''I'm sure he's not going to be wearing baby grows forever George'' Remus laughs.
The night wen on how it always does now, talking laughing and Alfie getting passed around only everyone was a bit tipsy and there was a bit more laughter.