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It had been nearly two months since I last spoke to Fred, sometimes we made eye contact with each other and then looked away after a second. It was hard, I missed him so much but he didn't want to talk to me. It was the night before the second task, I was sat in the library with Lee, George and Fred. We were studying for DADA although Fred and George just messed on the whole time. 

''Y/N I need you to come with me'' I turn around to see Professor McGonagall. 

''Am I in trouble?'' I ask.

''No time to talk Miss Lupin, it will all be explained very soon'' she replies as we rush.

I walk into a room to see Hermione, Ron and Fleurs little sister all gathered round a desk. I join them by sitting down on the empty chair.

''You four will be part of the second task, the champions will have to retrieve you from under the water, is that okay with everyone?'' Dumbledore asks.

''But how will we breathe, doesn't the task last an hour'' I ask.

''Don't worry Miss Lupin, you will all be safe, now if everyone is fine with this may we get started'' he says.

We all nod our heads.

Dumbledore walks over to me and with a wave of his wand everything goes black.

Fred's Pov

It was the next morning and I still hadn't seen Y/N return, I was getting quite worried. I turned over in my bed to see George putting his shoes on.

''Not that I care but have you seen Y/N, I haven't seen her since she left us last night'' I ask him.

''There's no need to hide it Fred, I'm your twin, I know you care about Y/N but I have no clue where she is anyways.'' George replies. I was lying, of course I cared about Y/N. ''Anyway hurry up Fred, the task starts soon'' George says.

I get ready and head down to the task with George and Lee.

''Have you guys seen Hermione, Ron or Y/N'' Ginny asks.

''No, we last saw Y/N in the library when Professor McGonagall took her'' George replies.

''Champions are now ready for the second task, you shall start on the blow of my whistle, you have an hour to recover what has been taken from you, on the count of three. One.. Two.. Three!'' Dumbledore says then blows the whistle.

Y/N isn't even here yet, where on earth could she be? We sit and watch the task comence, Fleur cam out of the water first in fear, she had dropped out of the task. It must be dangerous down there. They were all chanting for Harry next to me, I just couldn't stop thinking about where Y/N was. That was until Cedric's head came out of the water holding Y/N. I ran down the stands and down the ladders to her. She looked freezing, she looked petrified. I pull her up out of the water and cuddle her into me wrapping a blanket around her.

''Are you okay?'' I ask her.

''Yeah Fred, I didnt think you wanted to speak to me again'' she replies.

''I always wanted to speak to you, it was killing me. I just had to come look after you after seeing you in danger'' I say.

''Thank you Freddie'' she says. I kiss her forehead and pull her in tightly warming her up.

''Thank you Cedric'' Y/N pulls away and gives Cedric a hug.

''You're my best friend, I wasn't just going to leave you there'' he laughs.

I don't even feel jealous, I just feel like I have my Y/N back.

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