T W E N T Y - S E V E N

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We enter the great hall to start off our very last year. We meet up with Ginny, Ron and Hermione and take the seats at the front of the hall on the Gryffindor table. I sit in between Fred and Harry after he came in late. The Dumbledore makes his speech.

''I would also wish to welcome our new defence against the dark arts teacher, Delores Umbridge, I am sure you will all join me in wishing our new professor good luck'' Announce Dumbledore while she lets out a small giggle. 'As usual our caretaker, Mr. Filch has asked me to remind you-'' he is interrupted by the new teacher dressed head to toe in pink.

She stands up out of her chair and walks to the where Dumbledore is standing.

''She was at my hearing, she works for Fudge'' Harry whispers to me

''Thankyou head master for those kind words of welcome and how lovely to see your bright happy faces looking up at me, I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends.''

''That's likely'' Fred and George interrupt though she continues.

''The ministry of magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be a vital importance, although each headmaster  has brought something new to this school, progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. Let us preserve what must be preserved, perfect what can be perfected and pro practices are to be prohibited'' she giggles and we all clap.

''Thank you for that Delores'' Dumbledore continues his speech and then fills the tables with food.

I wasn't really in the mood to eat, I wasn't hungry to be honest. I looked over to the Hufflepuff table, the seat he once sat in, empty. It was going to be hard doing all the things I did with Cedric either on my own or with someone else.

''You should eat Y/N, you haven't ate since breakfast'' Fred says.

''I'm not really hungry'' I reply.

''You'll be hungry later on'' he says.

''It's okay, I think I'm just going to head to bed'' I say yawning and going to get up.

''I'm coming with you'' Fred says holding your hand.

You stood up and left the great hall to go to the Gryffindor common room, walking through the tall candle lit empty halls. 

''I can tell you aren't yourself at the moment Y/N, it's Cedric isn't it?'' he says while we walk.

''Yeah but I'm okay, it's nothing to worry about, just miss him obviously'' I say.

''You know I'm always going to be there for you Y/N, you can talk to me whenever you need to'' He says smiling down at me.

''Thank you Freddie, you have me too'' I say.

We enter the common room and go up the stairs to my dorm. When I shut the door Fred picks me up pulling my legs around his waist and I hold onto his shoulders. He then drops me down onto my bed, pulls the covers over me and gets under with me.

''Fred I still need to get my pyjamas on'' I say.

''Just take your clothes off you don't need pyjamas, that's only if you want to though obviously'' he says.

''Only if you take yours off'' I say.

He sits up and takes his jumper, tie and shirt off then turns to me and takes mine off for me leaving me in just my bra on my top half. He then lifts him self up to get his pants off from around his hips then pulls them off and then his socks. He then sits up and unzips my skirt at the back then pulls it down with my tights, he is in his boxers and I am in my bra and knickers. He pulls the curtains around the bed in case anyone was to walk in and hides the clothes under the bed. He slides back into bed and wraps his arm around me pulling me closely into his bare chest.

''Y/N, I am never going to let anyone hurt you, you know that? I'm going to protect you from anything that harms us for the rest of our lives, you mean the world to me.'' He whispers into me kissing my forehead.

I was in awe at his words. ''I love you Fred, I will try my best to protect you too'' I whisper back into his chest.

''I love you more Y/N'' He says.

I could stay in his arms forever, I didn't want to leave.

''By the way, hope you remembered, we have a welcoming back party planned this weekend in the common room'' Fred says.

''Yeah I know Fred, I have my dress planned already'' I reply, I had already bought a dress from a shop in London when I went for a shopping day with Mum.

''Good, you'll look stunning'' he says making me smile.

I close my eyes and start to drift into a sleep.

Fred's Pov

She falls asleep in my arms as I stroked her hair our of her face. I needed to tell her about my feelings, I well and truly loved her very much, I wanted a future with her, I wanted everything with her. I rest my lips on her forehead and kiss it. I hear the door opening.

''I'm not walking in on anything am I'' I hear a female voice say.

''No just getting Y/N to sleep, who is it?'' I ask.

''Katie, is she okay, she seemed down at dinner?'' she asks.

''She was just upset about Cedric, I think I made her feel better, well hopefully'' I say.

''Course you did Fred, she's in love with you'' Katie says.

''How do you know that?'' I ask.

''It is just very clear, the way she looks at you, the way she always smiles when she's with you, me and the girls have always noticed that'' she replies. ''Same with you too, you always seem to be smiling around her and when she needs someone you are always the one to be there first even when you guys weren't friends you were there to look after her in the second task''

I realised, maybe she did feel the same way.

''Thanks Katie, you know, I might ask her out on a date'' I say.

''You should, girls like cute thoughtful things by the way so don't just take her to Hogsmeade, be creative'' she says.

''Yeah I know, I'll have something perfect, don't worry'' I say.

''Okay well I'm going back to the common room, are you sleeping in here tonight then?'' she says.

''Yeah I think so if that's okay'' I say.

''Yeah of course, I'll tell the boys'' She replies as she leaves the room.

I give Y/N one last kiss on the forehead before I fall asleep resting my chin on her head.

-----Hi I think I'll do another chapter tonight after this one, it may be published tonight I'm not sure but if I do it'll be out before 11pm UK time,

Thank you all for reading although this was a short one, have a great day-----

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