T H I R T Y - T H R E E

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I was with Fred and George outside in the courtyard watching Umbridge and Professor Trelawney with the rest of the students. Filch placed her trunks on then ground beside her as she gasped for words in fear.

''Hogwarts is my home'' she cried. ''You can't do this''

''Actually I can'' Umbridge replies taking out a scroll as Professor McGonigal  tried to comfort Professor Trelawney. ''Something you'd like to say dear?''

''Actually there are several things I would like to say'' Says Professor McGonigal. ''There shush'' 

They were interrupted by a pair of grand doors opening and there walked Dumbledore.

''May I ask you to escort Sybil back inside Professor McGonigal'' he says.

''Thank you'' Professor Trelawney cried.

''Dumbledore, may I remind you that under the terms of educational decry number twenty three, as enacted by the Minister-'' Umbridge speaks before being interrupted my Dumbledore. 

''You have the right to dismiss my teachers, however you do not have the authority to banish them from the grounds, that power remains with the head master''

''For now'' she says.

''Don't you all have studying to do'' he shouts before heading back into the castle.

We all move though I hear Harry shouting ''Professor'', he was still ignoring Harry ever since the trial.

''I hate her, she is so rude'' I say.

''Who doesn't hate her'' George says.

''Well Malfoy and his mates, they're all up her arse'' I say as the boys laugh.

A few days after Trelawney was sacked Dumbledore had replaced her with Firenze. She was still able to live the castle but not teach.

Time Skip, mid April

We were in the room of requirement learning new defensive spells. I always loved it as we were all so positive about it and we were all great friends.

''You're doing amazing Fred'' I say as he flicked around his wand catching a spell.

''You're amazing'' he says planting a kiss on my cheek.

Suddenly I pulled away as I heard the ground shake and the chandelier jingle above us.

''Get behind me Y/N, it's coming from that wall'' Fred says as he pushes me behind him.

Suddenly the mirror on the wall broke and Fred and George raised there wands hiding me behind them. Harry looked into the hole in the wall but ran backwards as the wall was destroyed by whoever was behind it. We all stood there and looked at the people on the otherside of the wall. It was Umbridge and her little army of students. Then Malfoy appeared pulling Cho beside him.

''Get them'' she said as we were grabbed by the Slytherins.

Goyle grabbed a hold of my arm and pulled it quite hard, ''Ouch, you could be a bit more careful''

''I'll get Lupin, you get the rest'' Draco says pulling me away from him as we head to Dumbledore's office.

''We saw your lies from the start, a smoke screen to seize control of the ministry'' Umbridge says.

''Naturally'' Says Dumbledore.

''No, he had nothing to do with it, it was me'' Harry says.

''Most noble of you Harry, but as it has been pointed out the parchment says Dumbledore's army, not Potters'' Dumbledore says. ''I instructed Harry to form the organisation and I am responsible for it's activity''

''You shall escort Dumbledore to Azkaban, to await trial for conspiracy and sedition'' says Fudge.

''I have no intention of going to Azkaban'' Dumbledore says.

''Enough of this, take him'' Umbridge says walking towards him.

But before they could do anything, a phoenix fly's above Dumbledore's head and with a clap of his hands he had disappeared.

''You may not like him Minister, but you can't deny, Dumbledore's got style'' Kingsley says.

We had all left his office with detentions from Umbridge, it wasn't long before she was made Headmistress of Hogwarts. 

---- I may do another chapter tonight as these have been quite short recently, if not I will probably post tomorrow, I'm not sure though as I'm quite busy with work but I am trying :)

Have a lovely day/night, stay safe-----

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