The End of a Long Summer

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I had spent the summer at the cottage with Uncle Moony, I was happy to be moving in to the cottage with him as it was a lot better than staying at that depressing old mansion. I always felt as if myself and Uncle Moony were closer than myself and my parents, I never really got along with the pair.

When I moved in Moony had given me the spare bedroom. The first day I got here we decided to decorate together which ended up in us both covered in paint by the end of it. By the end of the first week my room felt more home like than it had in the cold manor.

Today was the day I was travelling to the Weasley's to spend the rest of my summer there. It's always good fun at the Burrow as it's like a second home.

''Are you ready Y/N/N, we're going to be apperating very soon'' shouted Uncle Moony from downstairs.

''Not be long" I replied as I closed my overpacked trunk.

I got the rest of my things and headed downstairs to the living room.

''I'm ready''

''I'll miss you poppet" He said bringing me for a short hug.

"I'll miss you too Uncle Moony, hopefully we get to see each other at Christmas, tell Tonks I said hello for me"

"I will, still I'm very sorry for leaving you so early."

"It was my idea that you go spend some time at her place"

''Well it was a very good idea indeed, lets go'' He says while grabbing my trunk and taking it into the fireplace.

Once he left the cottage, I stepped into the fire place next.

"The Burrow!"

''Oh there she is! Come here dear!" Before I could step out the fire place Molly was already hugging me tightly.

"Hello Molly" I said hugging her back.

''Thank you for letting Y/N stay, I really am grateful'' Remus says to Molly.

''Oh she's welcome anytime, she's like family'' she says bringing a smile to my face while pulling away from the hug.

''Mum, is that Y/N?'' A familiar voice shouts from upstairs.

''Yes come down boys'' Molly shouts back.

The sound of floor boards creaking fills the house as the boys run down the stairs. Fighting over who gets to see the girl first.

As soon as I saw the first head of ginger hair I ran into their arms.

"Y/n is back! Y/n is back!" they chanted as I was spun around in someone's arms.

As soon as I was put back on the ground I recognised the boy that I was being carried by was Fred. I gave George an even tighter hug.

"Y/n if you squeeze me any tighter you might brake my ribs" George complained as I just laughed.

We went and sat on the sofa after my uncle apparated back home and caught each other up on our summers.

''I absolutely love the hair, you both really suit it'' I say playing with Fred's hair.

"Mums been trying to get us to cut it all summer but we're protesting against it" George replies.

"So tell us about your summer Y/n/n" Fred says.

"We'll obviously at the end of last year the Lupin Manor caught fire, lost my mum dad and  Carter and now I'm living at my Uncle Remus' Cottage" I said.

"Sorry if it's a tough subject I-" Fred started but I immediately stopped him.

"Fred, I'm fine. I was a bit sad at first but seriously I'm fine. I have my Uncle Moony and to be honest, I've never been happier."

"We're glad" Fred and George say looking happy at me.

"Come on then, let's get you to your room" George says standing up and getting your trunk. "Ginny's room as always"

Ginny was like a little sister to me. We've been owling each other all summer. Whenever she had a problem at Hogwarts she always came to me and sometimes we even had sleepovers in my dorm.

''Y/N!" Ginny says standing up from her bed and giving me a hug.

''I've missed you so much'' I say hugging her back.

''Well we'll leave you to settle in, come down to the kitchen when your done'' Fred says leaving the room.

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