T H I R T Y - N I N E

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I went upstairs and put on my record player. I wasn't dressing up much, I was just going to look nicer than usual. I sat down at my dressing table and straightened my hair. I then got my makeup bag out of the drawer and started on my makeup, I didn't wear too much. I then got up and put my makeup and straightness away and wiped down the table. I put on a cute puff shoulder floral dress since it was quite warm today. After I put my dirty clothes in the washing basket I headed to the living room. It was empty, the boys must've went back to work. I sat and read a book for the past hour while I waited for the boys to go on their lunch break. 

''Well don't you look beautiful'' I heard as the door opened, it was Fred.

''Thank you my love'' I say as I get up out of my seat to give him a peck.

''Lee, Alicia, Katie and Angelina will be apperating any minute now'' he says.

''I'll get some snacks out for them'' I say as I go into one of the kitchen cupboards. 

I set out a few things on the dining table like crisps, dip, cocktail sausages, sausage rolls, anything I could find in the cupboards really. I took my flowers and put them into a vase on the island in the kitchen.

''Happy Birthday'' I hear Lee shout as he opens the flat door.

''Thank you Lee, it's so good to see you all again'' I say hugging everyone.

''Guess what happened while me and Lee were in Paris'' Alicia says, her dad was pretty rich so he gave her everything she ever wanted, ''We're engaged!'' she says showing me the ring.

''Oh my gosh, congratulations!'' I say looking at her stunning ring, it was silver and it had two diamonds either side of a large diamond.

''Come on, make yourself at home, there are snacks on the dining table, help your self'' I say.

We all sit around the dining room table.

''So how are you and Amy?'' I ask Katie.

''Brilliant, I really do see a future with her'' she says.

''That's amazing, does this mean we could have two weddings coming up?'' I laugh.

''Maybe, I don't know if she's about marriage and kids and stuff, we haven't really had that conversation'' she says.

''Well when you do, you know where to find your maid of honour'' Angelina interrupts. 

I still wasn't the biggest fan of Angelina, she was very gobby and didn't really know when to stop. Though I kept the peace with her since she was George's girlfriend

''So Fred, George, when will it be your turn'' Lee asks.

''I'm never getting married and Angelina knows that'' George says.

''Yeah I don't really like the sound of it either, not my thing'' says Angelina.

''I know Y/N is the one but if she doesn't want to get married I'll respect that'' Fred says, he's so cute.

''Well that's good, so how do you feel about marriage Y/N?'' Angelina asks.

''Well I know I'd want to marry Fred one day, I don't mind when'' I say.

A smile spread across Fred's face as I said that. I opened my presents from my friends, I got a bottle of this muggle drink called champagne from Alicia and Lee, it's meant to be quite a pricey drink. I got a gift card for my favourite boutique in Hogsmeade from Angelina and from Katie I got some of my favourite chocolates. 

''Let's open that champagne then'' I say as I pop open the bottle and pour everyone a glass.

We sat and dank the champagne and talked about life while we weren't together until a letter arrived. I took the letter from Y/O/N and opened it, out fell a key.

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