T W E N T Y - F O U R

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''Happy Birthday Y/N!'' 

I opened my eyes to see Fred and George at the end of my bed.

''Thank you, bit early though don't you think?'' I laughed while rubbing my eyes.

''It's your birthday, you should be up early and excited to open presents'' George says. ''and look what we got you'' he pulls out a silver, plastic crown from behind his back that said 'birthday girl' on it in hot pink, ''we found it at that muggle shop round the corner''

''I love it'' I laugh and put it on my head.

I go over to the door and put on my satin pink robe and head downstairs. When Tonks asked me if I wanted a small birthday or a big one I decided to go for a big one considering last year I didn't really celebrate it. I walked into the kitchen and it was had a large Y/F/C banner going across the room saying 'Happy Birthday' and lots of Y/F/C balloons. I looked over to the table and there was lots of presents.

''Happy Birthday Y/N!'' Everyone said sitting around the table.

''Thank you, I love it'' I say.

I take a seat at the top of the table with my Uncle Remus on one side of me and Tonks on the other. I start to open my presents which were so beautifully wrapped in wrapping paper and ribbons. FI got some sweets, clothes, new makeup but my favourite present by far was the record player and records of my favourite muggle bands and singers. I opened Fred's present last and it was a charm for my bracelet that said 'best friend' on it.

''Thank you everyone, I love everything!'' I say excitedly.

''Oh and Y/N we got you something else, this is the big present from me and Tonks'' Remus said as he handed me an envelope.

I open the envelope to see papers. I look up at my Uncle Remus.

''Y/N I've had you in my custody for over a year now and everyday I have grown to love you more and more as my niece.'' says Uncle Remus.

''This whole summer I have had the best time bonding with you Y/N and I love you lots and I care about you deeply. You are like a daughter to me, what me and your Uncle Remus are asking is if we can make it official and adopt you?'' says Tonks.

A tear comes from my eyes at the words they had spoken ''Yes of course, I love you both so much'' I pull them into a hug and cry with happiness as they both lay a kiss on my forehead. ''Thank you so much'' I pause, ''Mum and Dad'' I laugh.

Mum sheds a tear at the fact I called her mum then from across the table I can hear Molly sniffling. She's always been the emotional type.

''Awh come here Molly'' I say going over to hug her. I love Molly, she's like a second mother to me. 

I sat down at the table and signed the papers, we were officially a family. This was the best day of my life, I finally had a family. We sat down and ate breakfast together, I sat in-between my dad and Fred. I had a cup of tea and some buttered crumpets. When all the adults had left the room to go upstairs it was only me, Fred, George, Harry, Ginny, Hermione, Ron, Charlie and Bill.

''By the way Y/N, we're having a proper party tonight in our room'' Says George. ''I got Charlie to get us some drink and he's going to place a silencing charm on the room''

''That sounds brilliant, I can't wait'' I say.

''Maybe we can have a dance again like we did at the Quidditch World Cup'' Charlie laughs.

''Yes we shall'' I laugh.

We all talk all afternoon in the kitchen until Mum tells me to come upstairs to try my dress on. I go upstairs to my mum and dad's room and look at the beautiful dress that was laying on the bed.

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