chapter 4

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~small amount of time ~

*lorenzo Berkshire*

"All I'm saying is all the girls at Hogwarts are the same, nothing new nothing different" I shrug stepping foot on the train.

"That's because you've shagged all of them mate." Blaise responds, which I mean that was somewhat true but any girl I was with it was always the same.

"Especially the mudbloods" Draco adds which his choice of words angered me. Blood purity has always been something huge for Draco being a Malfoy you're automatically expected to hate all muggleborns which in my eyes it never mattered. A wizard is a wizard I just wish eveyone saw it that way.

"Want to see something I purchased in the muggleword." I smirk trying to change the mood. Me and Blaise never really cared for blood status it's always Draco who makes it an issue.

I pull out the small cloth bag of muggle herbs from my bookbag opening it barley but enough for eveyone to get a whiff.
"we'll have fun with this later" I grin shutting back the bag. Draco and Blaise seemed to be very fond of the idea.

Every school year the slytherins hold a party, one of my favorites if I'm being honest. I'm in charge of the herbs, Draco is booze and blaise music.

I got to give it to Blaise, he definitely is the best person to ask for some good music going on. As me and Blaise continued talking about the party someone caught my eye.

I looked up seeing someone walk by than snapped my neck immediately to take a double take.

There I saw her.

A very beautiful girl, I've never seen her before but wow was she gorgeous.

We stare at eachother to what felt like for awhile I than see her shyly break eye contact looking back down. Their's something about her. Something I can't quite describe.

I observed her for awhile, the way her lips parted when she was concentrated
The way she moved her hair gently from her face when it got in the way,
Small things I've observed over such a little amount of time.

As I was looking at her she looked up and our eyes met again. I gave her a small smile as she looked back at her book.

what I was doing, lorenzo Berkshire never takes so much interest in someone.

Why do I care? I don't even know anything about her. I immediately stopped looking at her trying to not even think about her. Whatever it is I was doing earlier wasn't anything. Just a guy staring at an attractive girl.

That's all.

The train stops as I hear more chatter rise.
We are here, we've arrived to my escape place.

Living with the Malfoy's can get depressing, as much as i absolutely adore mum seeing her get pushed over by the devil himself angers me. I am truly grateful for Narcissa, she gave me the kind of love a mother is supposed to give her child.

In my eyes she will always be my mum. I just hate she doesn't have the guts to stand her ground. There have been many occasions that I've just wanted to get rid of Lucius Malfoy once and for all.

But I can't do that to her, as much as I want too, mum does really love him. As twisted and evil he is she loves him.

In my opinion it's worth the azkaban time just to see her happy and relieved again.

I've always loved Hogwarts, Something about being here just made me happy, it made me feel at home.

Each year there's something exciting, something different.

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