chapter 21

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laying on the floor feeling numb. The wet icky feeling on my cheeks from the tears and the smeared makeup.

I zoned out not controlling a single thought in my head.

I had so many questions that needed answers too. I didn't know who to ask where to go, I felt hopeless.

If this woman really Is my mother why didn't I know? Why had my life been nothing but lies since the day I was born?

Did she not want me? Did my father not want her to have me?

I heard footsteps approach me breaking me from my thoughts.

"Maria, dear why aren't you in class" Ms Pince whispers lightly, approaching my weak body laying on the floor.

I didn't say a word. I had no expression, no emotion, nothing to reply with.

"Come along" she grabs my hand shaking it gently for me to get up.

I got my brittle body up, my legs feeling weak, my body feeling like it wasn't capable to move.

Following the Woman with her hand gripped on my wrist. We entered the library as she pulled me to the seat across from her desk.

still hadn't said a word.

She took a glance at my face getting a better view of my red puffy eyes, my smeared makeup and the look of sorrow that was all over my face.

"Honey, what happened" she frowns taking a seat on her chair.

Ms Pince was the only motherly figure I had at Hogwarts, She was truly brilliant.

She grabbed her tea pot with still a worried yet listening look on her, waiting for my response.

I'm not one to communicate my feelings.

My dad put me in therapy when I was 9. He would compel the therapist who wasn't fimilar with supernatural beings which never sat right with me.

Something vampires seem to take advantage of is compelling people. I've seen it done before so many bloody times, they act like it isn't a big deal.

It's a form of manipulation and control.

The sound of the glass teacup hitting the table brought me back from thinking.

I smiled at her politely.

"I'm all ears whenever you're ready" the woman says in a sympathetic tone.

I took a sip of the tea, the warm delicious taste was comforting. I'm not a big tea drinker but it was good to have a cup every now and then.

I had a question I wanted to ask Ms Pince. Although I was hesitant.

"Do you know a woman named Valerie Sienna or Celeste" I asked trying to not get myself riled up.

I didn't plan on asking or telling Ms Pince anything but who knows, she may know more than I think.

She had a dumbfounded look on her face that showed me maybe it was no use.

"Just forget it" I mumbled. "I should go" I push the chair back glancing at her with a reassuring smile to show I didn't mean anything in a rude way.

"wait" she sighs. "It's, just I hadn't heard that name in awhile."

I felt my anxiety start to come back, the nervous yet anxious feeling in my throat and stomach.

Lorenzo Berkshire/ 3 Words 8 Letters Where stories live. Discover now