chapter 19

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~can't let her go~


I missed her.

The way her face lite up when I made a flirtatious joke.

The sweet smell of Vanilla and Cherry lingering on me when she gave me the warmest hug.

Her smile.

Her bloody smile, my favorite thing about her is her smile.

Her smile could turn a bad day around for anyone.

whenever she smiled I couldn't help but smile myself.

The worst decision I've ever made was letting someone as amazing as her go.

For now I'll wait. I'll give us time, space, whatever it takes, I just can't let her go for good.

I felt guilty towards Daphne. All she was to me is nothing more than a distraction.

I slowly started to realize that while being with her all the time.

She couldn't make me feel the same way Maria did, no matter how hard I tried to convince myself to love Daphne I couldn't, it just didn't feel right.

Than it started hitting me. Was i falling inlove with the girl that I let go?

The girl who made me smile uncontrollably by just glancing at me.

Is that what love feels like?

Constantly thinking about the person you adore most.

Getting weird feelings in your stomach from just glancing at them, just even thinking about them gets you all bubbly and soft.

I needed to break up with Daphne. It was only fair to her and myself.

As for Maria, I'm not quite sure what I plan on doing, but I can't not just do anything.

When she came back with Draco last night i was furious.

I'm the person she should be drunk with having a good time Not Draco.

I'm the person she should be kissing and being with not Cedric.

The one girl I am falling for is the one girl I let go. The girl I drove away.


"Hold still" Alice says with her eyebrows furrowed in concentration.

"Ouch" I yell pulling away holding my eyebrow. Tonight is mine and Cedric's 'almost anniversary' and Alice insisted on helping me get ready.

"Were my eyebrows really that bad?" I ask looking in the mirror at the redness and swelling.

"Did you not see them? My gosh they were all over the place" Alice says dramatically causing me to snort.

"Half up or just down?" She says plugging in the straightener.

"Half up is fine" I grab my book from the dresser skimming through the pages.

It stayed quiet for awhile, I could see Alice's reflection from the mirror glancing at me with an eager expression.

Lorenzo Berkshire/ 3 Words 8 Letters Where stories live. Discover now