chapter 9

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I couldn't stop thinking about yesterday. How much fun I had with Maria. The way her face lit up when we flew on the broom. The way she smiled at me when I'd joke around. Merlin I love her smile It's my favorite thing about her.

I couldn't stop thinking about when she pulled me in a hug. The strong sweet vanilla and cherry scent coming from her. The way she held me made me feel something. I smile to myself as I eat my breakfast.

"Thinking about her" blaise says with a smirk. Sometimes i feel like blaise can see right through me. "What are you even talking about?" I say acting cluless.

"Lorenzo knows better than to go after a fake pureblood anyways" draco says as he rolls his eyes.

"Why do you have to be such a git all the time" I say really annoyed.

"Mate its obvious you're attracted to her" blaise says sternly. "Attracted? She may be pretty but I'm not attracted to her" I say a bit defensively. Or at least I don't think I am..

"Morning" I turn and see Maria smiling as she takes a seat next to me. "Morning love" I say with a mouth full of eggs.

Blaise started bringing up the party and so did draco. "What party?" Maria questions as she reads her book.

"Every year slytherins have a beginning of the year party definitely one of the best." I tell her as I drink my orange juice.

"Yeah but monsters aren't invited" draco tells her as he flashes a fake smile. "But assholes are?" She tells him rudely under her breath loud enough for us to hear.

I let out a small laugh while draco gives us a dirty look. She may be shy and quiet but she is a feisty one.

"Like I was saying.. the party is friday night at 10pm. Hope to see you Mikaleson" I say in hopes she considers my invite.

"I'd love to go, however parties aren't really my thing" she tells me as she looks down back to her book. I snatch the book from her. "Do you ever stop reading?" I say playfully. "Now I expect to see you friday night mari.. you can invite your friend you're always with too"

"I'll think about it" she smiles as she grabs the book out of my hands.


After classes were over I headed to the library to study with alice. It feels like we hardly talk or even see eachother.

When I walked in the Library I seen
enzo snogging some hufflepuff girl. I felt my heart sink. I felt as if I was going to be sick. Why did I care so much? Why did it physically hurt me. It's not like I like him or anything.

Was I jealous? No I don't get jealous.

I seen Alice sitting on the table with her books ready. "Hi maria! I've been waiting to see you. Merlin I missed you" the girl says as she pulled me in a hug. "How are you?" Alice always feels the need to checkup on me. Although I appreciate it, it can get pretty annoying sometimes

"I'm doing fine! How about you?" She smiles "well let's just say we have some catching up needed to he done" she says as she looks down at her books.

"Alice Rose Parker you better tell me everything immediately" I say as she smiles. "Well, you know George Weasley correct?"

"Oh my gosh are you two an item?" I say excitedly. "Well we are getting there" she smiles. I pull her in a hug "oh wow! I'm so happy for you" I respond. Alice literally deserves the world! She always puts others before her own self.

"And what about you" she nudges my arm. I furrow my eyebrows at her "what do you mean?" She rolls her eyes. "Don't think I haven't seen you and lorenzo" she says with a wide smirk.

"Oh please we are just friends" I say looking down. "I've seen the way you two look at eachother it's more than that, But whatever you say. She says a bit loud.

I'm not really interested in a relationship if I'm being honest. I don't know if it's the fact that I don't want one or I've been broken in a way that's difficult to recover from.

spending this time with Alice seemed to take my mind off of a lot. Which by a lot I meant enzo, I completely forgot that he was here with some girl which thinking about it again made me upset.

"Are you alright?" Alice asked worried. "Oh um, I'm fine" I lied. I hate lying to my bestfriend I just don't feel like explaining something I'm not even sure of myself.

I than decided I will be attending that slytherin party.

I really hope you enjoy the story so far. Again it is my first Story so I'm a bit new to the writing. But
I'm going for a developed plot nothing too rushed in!

Lorenzo Berkshire/ 3 Words 8 Letters Where stories live. Discover now