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*9 years ago, 1988*

*8 year old Maria*

Sometimes i wonder what happened to my mother or what she was like. Was she really a bad person or was she misunderstood. I wondered if she'd be proud of me or what it would be like to have her around.

My dad never told me anything about my mother not even pictures. From all I knew was her name was Celeste and she was a powerful witch.

"Go to bed" my aunt Rebekah tells me standing by my doorway.

"One more hour please" I beg with a frown.

Rebekah is a tough one for me to crack normally eveyone would give in from my sweet face.

I give her the sad eyes while she rolls hers."You may be cute but you can't get me that easily" she squints her eyes at me. A sigh escapes my lips as I jump on my bed not tired at all.

I look at Rebekah with my sad expression and pouty lip attempting to persuade her one more time.

"Bloody hell you're a dramatic one, 45 more minutes" she rolls her eyes shutting the door. I smiled and turned on my lamp and grabbed my book.

I dozed off about to shut my eyes until I seen someone standing infront of me and I immediately jumped nobody, it was nobody maybe my imagination but from what I seen it looked like a woman.

I went downstairs to get some water and the whole time I felt eyes on me, it made me feel uncomfortable and a bit scared. I kept looking around to see if anybody else was here also.

"Maria" I heard someone whisper my name it sounded distant but close at the same time, It sounded like a womans voice.

I immediately dropped my glass of water in fear and it shattered. I froze there shaking as eveyone ran to see what happened.

My whole family came down staring at me and the broken glass on the floor. "what the bloody hell happened" my uncle kol asks.

"I- I heard someone" my lips trembling and hands shaking. They all gave eachother a confused look while Freya picked up all the glass.

I explained to them everything that happened.

"Search the home" my father says to my uncles sternly as he tells Rebekah and Freya to take me to the room. The way he was acting only made me more frightened.

Ever since that night they seemed to be more cautious with certain things involving me.

Whatever this was it never quite went away. I'd see the woman figure at certain times but it was never her full face. It was more a glimpses of her or her voice. I never really told any of my family that I would still see her or feel her sometimes. I figured It was just my imagination so I grew to ignore it.

Ever since that night neither of my family talked about it again. They told me to let them know if anything like this happens again which It did happen plenty of times, however I choose to not mention anything. For all I know it could've been my imagination.

Eveyone knows this except Alice, I never wanted to frighten her with something that was probably just in my head.

Lorenzo Berkshire/ 3 Words 8 Letters Where stories live. Discover now