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I am seated on my bed watching Charlie as she ransacks my clothes.

It's friday evening and we just got at my house from school half an hour ago.

I'm actually relieved my first week went smoothly. Thanks to Oren. Tuesday's and today's tutoring made maths class bearable.

"Don't you have anything other than skirts and dresses ?" Charlie pulls me back to reality.

I look up and find her pouting her lips and that makes me chuckle. "Nope. That's all I have."

I see Charlie move her head side ways continuously as she holds her chin.

"Remind me to take you shopping." She says.

I nod a yes then I hear her shout bingo.

I look at what she's so excited about and she's holding my knee-lenth, burgundy, silk dress. The one with thin straps.

"I'm wearing this..."bShe squeals and I smile.

"Actually... you know what Charlie... you can keep it."

She practically runs to where I am seated and hugs me. I hug her back and we remain in that position for a minute before she pulls away and eyes me curiously.

"Where are your parents and siblings ? This house is awfully quiet."

I sit up then look at her.

"I live with my dad and his girlfriend.bMy mom stays in Miami and that part about siblings... their marriage never got to the siblings part..."

Charlie's hand covers her mouth and she shakes her head. "I'm really sorry Sky, I didn't know."

"It's okay." I answer in a low voice.

"On a positive note... we can throw wild parties here." I look at Charlie and she's eyeing me mischievously.

I let out a loud laugh.

Always count on Charlie to lighten your mood.

"So... what are you gonna wear tomorrow at the party." Charlie asks excitement filled in her voice.


I walk into the Barrett's residence at 8:15 pm. The house is full of heavily drunk teenagers, and to think I came early.

I'm in a navy blue pull neck, tucked into a short, black, leather skirt that matches my army boots. My hair is in a loose bun and I'm wearing heavy make-up.

I scan the poorly lit room for Charlie and it takes me exactly seven seconds to notice she's on the dance floor dancing her ass off. I see her turn and our eyes lock and she runs to me.

"You look sexy Sky.bI'm jealous." Charlie says to me over the loud music.

"You don't look bad yourself. You actually wore that dress better than I would have." I tell and she laughs.

Without any second thoughts Charlie literally drags me to the dance floor with her. I'm not so much of a dancer so I'm pretty sure I'll embarrass myself really badly.

I try my best to mimic Charlie's movement as we dance to Little Mix's Do You Think About Us.

As we're dancing I feel like someone's watching me.nI look around but everyone's busy dancing or consuming alcohol. I turn my attention back to Charlie and I see her drinking something from a red plastic party cup.

I snatch it from her and sniff.

"Eeeww..." I pull my face away very first.

"I didn't know you drink alcohol." I say as I stare at Charlie.

"Come on Sky... I'm eighteen." She snatches the cup from my grip and for no reason I stare up. Oren's deep blue eyes pierce into mine.

I knew I felt someone staring at me.

"Hey... lets go meet my brother." Charlie says while  grabbing  my hand and pulling me out of the dance floor.

We enter into a different room and the lighting is much better. The first thing I notice is the large pool table domineering the room.

There are a couple of girls and boys in the room who I notice I've seen at school. As we pass them I see a couple making out on a corner. We pass them and head to a particular boy playing beer pong on the pool table.

"Cole !"

Charlie calls out and the guy turns to face us. He then comes to where we're standing not shifting his gaze from me.

His eyes are the same shade as Charlie's.

"Cole meet Sky... my friend. Sky meet my brother Cole."

That explains the eyes.

Cole and I exchange hellos as he leads me to an empty couch. We sit there and just talk. I get to know that he's a senior at our school.

I study his features and something hits me ; he somehow looks like Oren.

"What was that ?"

I zoom out of my thoughts and stare at Cole.

"You said something."

"No I didn't..."

We talk for around twenty minutes when I see him staring at something behind me. I turn my head and see Oren standing there, watching us.

"Hey" Cole calls out to him.

Oren hesitates but finally gives in. He comes to where we are seated and stands directly infront of us. Cole stands up and I follow suit.

"Hey Sky why don't you meet my favorite cousin... Oren."

Once those words are out I feel my knees go weak.

What the fuc...

Oren is Cole's cousin. Cole is Charlie's brother... so that means Oren and Charlie are...

"Charlie !"

I growl and walk out the room in a whirlwind of anger leaving a confused Oren and Cole staring at my back.

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