🕸Chapter 46🕷

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{ I'm at the corner crying because this song :( + this chapter... uugh. }


(🎵Listen to Helium by Sia🎶)


Right from the start I knew that pulling away from Oren was going to be the hardest thing ever... but I had to.


I hesitantly pull away from Oren and we're both out of breath. I look up at him and he's staring down at me.

His deep blue orbs still black. Way too black.

The warm water from the shower continues to splash on the both of us. His hair forms large curls that stick on his forehead while mine falls and sticks on my face like a second skin.

Talk about awkward...

He moves towards me and I put my hand up for him to stop.

I quickly get out of the bathroom and head towards the door. I pass by a full length mirror and stand there watching myself.

My eyes are red and warm streaks fall down my cheeks.

When did I start crying ?

I wipe the tears away with the back of Oren's wet hoodie, the one I initially had on  but they keep flowing.

Oren comes and stands behind me and we stare at each other from the mirror's reflection. Our clothes dripping water on the polished mahogany floor.

He raises his hand to touch me but I quickly turn around and push it away.

"Three months Oren..." I sob and he stares down at me. "...what did I do to you ?"

"Skylar" He calls out and I break.

I break into a thousand pieces.

I wanted him to talk to me so bad that when he does, it just hurts.

He tries holding me again but I push his hand away. "What did I do to you Oren ?! You kissed Ivy in front of me, to hurt me. What did I ever do to you ?!"

I wait for him to give me an explanation but he doesn't. All he does is stare at me and I cry harder.

"It hurts..." I say between a sob while holding my chest.

I look up at him between tears and it almost looks like he's broken. He moves closer and I back away until I hit the mirror.

"What hurts Sky ?" He asks and I swear I hear pain in his voice.

I put both my hands on my mouth to cover a sob but it comes out anyway.

"What hurts Sky ?" Oren repeats his initial question and I eye him, sadness filled in my eyes.

"Stopping yourself not to care when you really do..." I say.

Oren grunts in fury and hits the wall beside the mirror supporting me.

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