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When were you planning on telling me that you're permanently moving to Italy ?!" He asks, his tone harsh and raw.

I lapse into a daze of my own thoughts.

The only person outside the Quin residence who knows about our move to Italy is Charlie and thats because I told her two days ago and I doubt she's the one who told Oren.

I mean...

The two can't stand each other.

"Hey blondie !" Oren calls out and I look up.

"I asked you a question." His voice goes several octaves low yet it is firm as if asking to be obeyed without any second thoughts.


Is Oren spying on me ?
Does he have hidden cameras installed everywhere ?
How about listening devices ?
I bet theyr-

"I'm not spying on you."

I blink myself to reality and thats when it hits me...

I was thinking out loud and Oren just heard every single one of my dumb thoughts !

I let out a heavy sigh and move a step closer to him.

"How did you get in...? and why do you care about me moving to Italy ?
Because the last time I checked... I was a problem. Remember ? "

Key card dummy !!

Don't you remember !! You let him keep the key card...duh !

My subconscious idly mocks me.

Oren doesn't answer. Instead his gaze shifts from my face to my hands.

"Aren't you getting tired ?" He asks.

I look down at my hands and I'm still holding the large bowl of guacamole and bag of potato crisps.

Now that he has mentioned it, they are kind of heavy.

I walk to the vanity table and gently place them there. I remove my bag, place it on the floor then turn to face Oren.

He's now leaning on the closed door staring at me.

"You still haven't answered my initial question..." He says and I just stare at him plainly.

From all the days that he could sneek into my room, he had to choose one that Jenna has her dolled up friends home for dinner.

What if she comes up and finds Oren here ? She sure as hell won't hesitate to convince my dad to send me to a secluded private boarding school in England.

And the trophy for greatest over thinker goes to...

Skyler Quin.

"Things between you and Charlie have been okay ... so I guess you didn't tell her you slept over that night...?" Oren asks and I eye him questioningly.

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