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I look for Charlie everywhere but I can't seem to find her.

When I'm about to completely give up I see her. She's in one of the rooms upstairs playing beer pong. I pull her out of the room completely ignoring the winks and whistling I get from the guys in there.

I drag her to the balcony that I'm thankful is empty and she slumps on one of the chairs.

"When were you planning on telling me that Oren is your cousin ?" I ask her my voice full of irritation.

I'm in no mood to beat around the bush.

She chuckles then looks me directly in the eyes with a straight face.

"To be honest... I was never going to tell you, and do you know why ?"

I shake my head to indicate a clear no.

"... because trust me Sky, that boy will destroy you, and he will do it without a single regret !"


"Hey Sky you missed one."

Cole tells me and I look back to the red plastic party cup that I had left behind. I pick it and place it inside the black garbage bag I'm carrying.

Cole and I are cleaning after the party which ended an hour ago. Charlie is laying on the couch passed out while Oren sits at the top of the staircase watching us.

"Done." I sigh and Cole nods agreeably.

"Thanks a lot Sky." Cole says to me and I smile in return.

Our moment is cut short when I feel strong hands grab my arm from behind.

"Time to go Blondie." I turn to see Oren's deep blue eyes piercing into mine.

When did he come down ?

"You should go... it's already late." Cole says behind me.


"Nice boots."

I hear Oren mutter under his breath while we are walking towards his car.

That is the closest I've ever gotten to a compliment from him.

"Thank you." I answer with a proud smile.


"Why are we not going ?" I ask Oren once I'm settled on the passenger side of his jeep.

I wait for his answer but instead he leans towards me.

Very close.

My stomach churns and I instinctively close my eyes. He's so close to me that I can feel the heat radiating from his body.

His fully intoxicating and sexy cologne fill my nose strills and I swear I feel a dizzy spree sweep over me.

"Seat belt."

I hear him whisper in my ear. My eyes snap open and I see he has returned to his side of the car.

I groan frustratingly and grumble as I put on my seatbelt. What was I thinking ? That he was going to kiss me...

I can't believe me right now... !!!

Once I'm done he starts driving to my place which situated twenty minute from Charlie's place.

I'm not going to give him the directions because the guy knows the place, he has been there.

I turn my head slighly to steal a glance at him. He's driving one-handed, his left hand resting casually on the mini-table between our seats.

I stretch my right hand so I can turn on the radio but he slaps.

"Ouch ! What was that for ?" I as him faking the hurt in my voice.

"I like my peace and quiet." He answers.

I look at him questioningly.

"Debby Downer." I mutter under my breath as I roll my eyes.

I hear him chuckle. Infact, he actually sort of smiles. It is a hidden one, and it is one that looks like he doesn't want it to surface, but nonetheless, it is an upturning of lips.

The jeep comes to a stop twenty minutes later outside my house. I don't get out immediately. I just sit there and watch.

"Earth to Blondie."

I hear Oren say in the loudest voice I have ever heard him use. To be fair, it isn't even that loud. But for Oren, it is note worthy.

"Why does Charlie hate you so much ?"

Once those words were out I see his grip on the staring wheel tighten and his jaws clench. Right now I am treading on thin waters but I don't care.

"Don't ask questions you don't want answers to." Oren says in his usual cold voice.

He hops out of the jeep and I follow suit.

"Thanks for the ride." I say and turn to leave. Oren clears his throat and that stops me on my tracks.


I turn to see him handing me the key card he used to get in to the house.

"You can keep it." I say in a plain voice.

You might need it...

He opens his mouth to say something but keeps quite. He looks like he's debating with himself whether to tell me or not.

"... she hates me because... I killed her sister." He blurts out and my face turns white.

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