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One more chapter to go before ending this part { i.e part II } of the book lmao


🎵Listen to Coaster by Khalid🎶


"Cole just texted me a few minutes ago... you need a ride somewhere ?"


He runs his fingers through his hair and I take the moment to scan him.

He's in a black t-shirt, black jeans, black leather jacket and his usual black army boots.

I move closer to him and without thinking, I wrap my hands around his torso. I close my eyes and rest my head on the crook of his neck.

I sniff the cologne he has on and it's not the one my mysterious guy had on.

It wasn't Oren who I danced with.

Tears pool on my eyes and I try to suppress a sob. My lips tremble, followed by a few rapid blinks to stop myself from crying.

I could feel his surprise in the way he stiffened upon first feeling my hug. I was surprised too.

Why did I do that again ?


"Sky... what are you doing ?" Oren asks and I quickly pull away.

What the hell was I doing ?

I check the time on my phone and I've been holding him for the last ten minutes.

Talk about awkward.

I look down at the ground, obviously embarrassed for the a hundredth time tonight. When I finally gather the courage to look up at him I catch him red handed scanning my attire.

His eyes land on my cleavage and my cheeks turn a faint pink.

"Uhm..." He statters but I walk past him and get inside the familiar black jeep.

Seconds later he gets in after me.

To say the air in the car is charged is an understatement.

Oren asks about where we're going and I hand him my phone, instructing him to follow the red dot that's the tracker.

"What are you up to Sky ?" He asks and I don't answer.

"Can we just go." I plead and instead of him starting the car he leans into me.

What's he doing ? Is he about to...

I instinctively close my eyes and the next think I hear is the click of my belt buckle.

I open my eyes and Oren is back to his side and smiling at me. I look down and my seatbelt is closed.


I mentally face palm myself.

What is wrong with me. I thought he was going to...


I shake the thought out of my head and rest my head on the window.

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