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I slowly open my eyes and blink a couple of times as early morning light streams onto the bed.

I rub the sand in my eyes as I hesitantly sit up.

The room smells warm and homely-different than usually.

I blink again.

And then, with a painful jolt, the events of last night come back to me.

Will telling me my dad wants to see me, my dad telling me we're moving to Italy, running in the rain, Jessica opening the door...

Oh ! Shit !

I stayed the night at Oren 's place. Charlie is going to end me when I tell her.

But then... she won't kill me if I don't tell her... What she doesn't know won't hurt her.

Right ?

Running into Oren's room, hugging him, taking a shower in his bathroom...

Shit again !

...almost kissing him...

I almost kissed Oren !

Shit !

Oren !

I turn to look on the other side of the bed and its empty.

Where is he ?

I know he laid beside me last night.

Or was I dreaming ?

I sniff the vacant space on the bed and I was right. Oren was here last night.

The damn pillow has his cologne all over it.

I get out of bed and check the time on my phone.

6:00 am.

I place my phone back on the nightstand and thats when I notice my bag leaning on the bed for support. I pick it up and my books are well arranged inside.

I head for the bathroom but not before looking outside the window.

It has stopped raining and the sky is blue. Fluffy white clouds drift by slowly. I look down at Jessica's porch-the little that's visible and that's when I see Oren in a white tank top, black basketball short and Nike  sneakers.

He looks like he just came from a morning run.

I didn't know he goes for morning runs.

But then... what exactly do I know about Oren.

I stare at him until he disappears into the house.

I let out a sigh and get into the bathroom. I find my dress from last night laid on the marble counter. It's clean and neatly ironed.

I come out from the bathroom minutes later. I put on my dress, pick up my bag and head downstairs.

The smell of freshly made pancakes steers me to the kitchen.

I find Oren's dad, Holden and Lexus seated on the dinner table munching on their food. Jessica is standing next to the stove flipping pancakes.

"Oh ! My! God ! " I shout and the four of them abruptly turn to look at me.

"Honey what's wrong ?" Jessica asks me in her lovely voice.

Now that she has turned to face me I see she has a pink apron wrapped around her clearly written ;

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