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🎵Listen to Let Me by Zayn Malik🎶



*one year later...*

I lean on the warm brick wall heated by the mid-day Miami sun and watch as Sky serves everyone their cold refreshments.

She's dressed in a short yellow colored dress that I just want to reap off her.

That's very pervert of me... but damn ! She's my girlfriend and she's gorgeous.

Her black hair, which is now waist length, is tied in her signature messy bun. Her feet are bare and she has no make up nor jewelry.

I laugh a little as she spills some of the refreshments because Meera and Lexus run directly at her. She scolds them and I chuckle.

She's just fascinating.

I swear I can lean here the whole day and just stare at her like a creep. We've been together for a year now and I still find everything about her to be interesting.

Trust me when I say this... Sky is not boring... not even a little. No wonder everyone likes her... including my mom.

I hear someone say my name in a faint whisper. I turn to see Holden telling Jasper and Brian something and the three of them burst out laughing.

I roll my eyes and they land on my mom talking to Skylar's mom.

I'm glad they became friends.

I shift my gaze from them and they land on Andrew, Lexus' dad, and a few guests enjoying beers by the barbecue grill.

Speaking of which... I'm hungry.

Sky's mom arranged this barbecue for all of us to get together but I'm still struggling with being around people.

I always have ever since I was a kid but thanks to Sky I'm starting to adjust.

I look back at Sky but she's not where I left her.

Where the hell did she g-

"Looking for me Mr stalker ?" I turn to see her leaning beside me, a smile plastered on her serene face. My face turns a faint pink and I look away.

She always has this effect on me.

"I was just watching." I defend.

"Yeah. Very normal thing to do." She says, sarcasm full in her voice.

"I miss you." I finally spill my thoughts out loud.

"I'm standing right here." She says with a chuckle and I smile. We then lapse onto silence, comfortable silence.

I see Sky look at something and I follow her gaze to see she's staring at Cole and Nilla.
They seem to be really enrolled in whatever it is they're talking about.

"I hope they end up together." Sky says to me and I nod in response.

Nilla is actually Sky's university roomie, or was because Sky moved out of the NYU dorms six months ago to come live with me at the penthouse.

Cole moved out a couple of months before I myself joined NYU because he got a job at a gaming company. For him, he does online studies at night and works during the day.

"I really think Vanilla is great." Sky says and I let out a little laugh.

Yeah. Nilla's full name is ; Vanilla and I know what you're thinking... what kind of parents name their own child Vanilla ?!

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