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🎵Listen to Try Sleeping With A Broken Heart by Alicia Cara🎶


*4 months later*

"Mr Kruse can you please take Ms Quinn to her first period this morning ?"

The boy turns and stares at us.
I wait for him to say something but he just turns and leaves.

I guess that's my cue.

I ran after him but once I catch up I'm hyperventilating like a maniac. I stop to catch my breath.

He turns to look at me and I raise my index finger to stop him from going any further. I really should start taking my yoga classes seriously.

"Hurry up Blondie or you're going to make me late !" He says in a cold gruffy tone.

Oh my God the voice. He has a very mesmerizing voice...

"Skyler" I say out of breath. "My name is Skyler but you can call me Sky."


I wake up with a start. Droplets of warm sweat dripping from my forehead and falling to my white cotton sheets.

I just had another one.

I wish I could say nightmares but I can't because they're not nightmares. They are just my memories. The ones I try to keep hidden but they keep finding a way to come out.

I turn to check the time on my alarm clock.

3:00 am

I get out of bed and walk towards the thermostat set in my room.

It's off !

I let out a loud, ugly groan.

Jasper !

He's the one who turns every thermostat in the house off because he's used to Miami's warm temperature.

I set it to a cool temperature and walk back to bed. I get under the light cotton sheet and close my eyes.

Waiting for the memories to come and haunt me.


I quietly sit in the single arm chair situated in the living room while listening to Brian sing a note from his music book while Jasper plays the piano.

The song fills the whole house and I find it calming.

I turn to my left and see Andrew smiling at the twins. He puts one of his hands round my mom's shoulder while my mom cups her tiny three month baby bump.

I'm proud of them.

They got married a month after I graduated and now they're having a child together.

I turn to my right where Andrew's parents are seated on the love seat. They too are staring at Jasper and Brian with proud smiles plastered on their faces.

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