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Listen to First Kiss by Marcus and Martinus


Before I know it Oren has his warm lips on mine. I immediately join in and that's when it hits me...

I'm a fucking lip virgin...

Well, not anymore I'm not.

It's sad, I know, but I've never dated before... so I've never been kissed before. There was even a time a thought I wasn't straight...

Dumb...?  I know.

Any who...

Oren moves closer to me deepening the kiss. My soft lips part in a soft breathless moan as he continues kissing.

Then just as fast as the kiss began... It ends...

Hmm ?

He stands up abrutly and I follow suit. He looks at me but I fail to maintain eye contact.

Why...? You may ask.

Because I feel embarrassed. Thats why. I try Iooking anywhere but his face.

Right now, the neatly arranged white floor tiles are something to admire.

"Skyler" I hear Oren call me in a gruff, heavy voice.

I don't look up.

He moves close to me, way too close and holds my face with both his hand. He then forces me to look him straight in the eyes.

He looks me in the eyes with a straight face.

His eyes are not the same shade of deep blue like always. They're dark, very dark.

"Maybe we should stop... this is a bad idea." I try to reason. I don't want to wake up tomorrow morning with dumb regrets.

"You make it so hard to stop when you look at me like that." He says and the next thing I know I'm being backed to the kitchen island.

Oren holds my waist and lifts me on to the kitchen counter. I hold his shoulders and he dives into my shoulder kissing it like it's the sweetest thing he has ever tasted.

I wrap my legs around him and this prompts him to go on.

...and just like that I throw all reasoning outside the window...

This is what happens when Im around the likes of Oren for more than a minute. 

He then grabs me gently by the waist and pulls me into his broad chest. I ran my fingers through his dark, messy curls.

He gently moans and triumphant smile sprawls on my face.

I shift my gaze to him and he too has his gaze on mine.  I try saying something but I'm silenced when his fingers climb up my thighs. He leans in tempestuously and left trails of hungry kisses down the curve of my neck.

I trace my fingers on his bare skin beneath his white t-shirt and he moans in my neck.

I always wanted to do that...

He untucks my t-shirt and holds my bare waist. I bite my bottom lip to stop my moan but it comes out anyway, louder than the last one... louder than his to be precise.

He stops kissing my neck and I lean to kiss his lips but he moves away.

"Go to sleep Blondie !" He spits  out and leaves me sitting on the kitchen counter.

The kitchen feels hollow and empty.

One minute we were so close together and the next we were so far apart.


I watch the clock strike ten.

I'm in the guest room that Jessica had placed me in the first night I slept over.

I try sleeping but I can't.

I mean... who would after what just happened...

I crawl off the bed to the window and push the curtains aside. The moonlight pours in a silvery glow. I'm in an oversize grey t-shirt I found in the wardrobe.

Fuck reasoning...

I walk out of the guest room and head for Oren's room. When I open the door he's standing by the window staring at nothing.

He turns when he hears the door lock and stares at me.

"Skyler... stay away." He says in a husky voice.

I ignore whatever it is he's saying and walk towards him.
I  wrap my fingers round his neck and look him in the eye.

"Let's go sleep." I whisper to him and he nods a yes.

He smiles a little and pulls me to bed.

He smiled !

I suppose that is why I like his smiles so much ... because I rarely see them. It makes them special.

Once settled, I close my eyes and rest my head on his chest. It's still early and I'm so tired.


Hey guys just wrote this Chapter while watching the movie
Foster Boy😂

And listening to the song preference😎

Peace 🍷

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