Chapter One

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Chapter one

The school bell rang, signaling the end of another long and miserable day. Children poured out of the long grey building, chattering, happy to be free from the clutches of Community Hall School again.

Seleina Veris was pushed out by several howling ninth graders. She stumbled as they bounded off, 'watch your step.' She said under her breath.

'they won't listen.' A familiar voice said from behind her.

Seleina smiled wearily 'hi, Eva.'

'why didn't you wait for me?' Evangeline Sofin asked, furrowing her brow.

'oh, I forgot.' Seleina said

'forgot?' Evangeline pursed her lips. 'I thought you promised.'

'sorry, I...'

'what?' Evangeline said 'no, you didn't forget, I think something is on your mind.'

'yeah.' Seleina said 'you're so good at reading my thoughts.'

Evangeline nudged her 'so tell me, what's it about?'

'test tomorrow.' Seleina groaned 'on math.'

'why are you worried?' Evangeline asked 'how bad can it be?'

'how bad can it be for a smarty nose like you?'

'fine.' Evangeline nodded 'you want me to help with some revision?'

'if you're free for the afternoon.'

'sure, I'm good.'

Seleina stuck her hands into her jeans pocket. Embarrassing, being helped by a fifth grader.

They turned a corner into a quiet avenue 'so...' Evangeline started 'um...'


'can we bake chocolate cookies when we're done?' Evangeline asked

Seleina cracked up 'nope.'

Evangeline smiled and started to tickle her.

'okay, okay. Fine.' Seleina giggled

Seleina reached the doorstep, she rang the doorbell. No one answered.

Evangeline paused.

'that's strange.' Seleina said 'at least Veronica should be back now. Anyway,' she took out a chain of keys from her pocket 'let's go in.'

The house was dark. Seleina lit a candle.

'can't you have the lights on?' Evangeline protested

With a flicker, the room was brightened.

'right, so, let me see...' Evangeline flipped through all the math 'stuff' Seleina had brought home. 'that's easy'

The next two hours Seleina sat with Evangeline, while they went through an ever-ending pile of math homework and tedious discussions about whether to multiply or divide, which always ended up with Evangeline saying 'see, I told you.' Seleina rubbed her bloodshot eyes. 'leave it to me.' She muttered.

'you sure?' Evangeline asked 'it's only six, I don't have to be back at the CHS dormitory till nine'

Seleina looked at the clock, an unpleasant tingled rushed down her spine. Usually her parents came back before 5 PM, traffic jam, perhaps? But her sister ought to be back by now...

'let's go down stairs.' Seleina advised.

'nice.' Evangeline said as reached the first landing.

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