Chapter Nine

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Minutes later, a maid by the name of Granny burst into the queen and king's chambers. The king was buttoning his golden and blue suit. The queen was putting a thick layer of silver lip-gloss on her lips, her cheeks were powdered pink, and her eyelashes were curled.

'what is it?!' the king demanded in a booming voice.

The queen put a bony hand on his shoulder 'you are not to enter, servant.'

'the mortals...'granny panted

This caught their attention 'what about them?'

'they are struggling, one on the cliff shore, one stranded on the food supply chain.'

'good.'the king barked 'we shall send general Nashootim and his troop to corner them at once.'

The queen was too flustered for words, 'oh, um, dear.'


'send general Prudentam along too, will you? His rosy perfume always seems so attractive.' She stepped forward and pretended to sniff the air 'yes, I can smell it now.'she said breathlessly

'yes then, we shall send him along, too.'the king turned 'and you, servant, you shall go with the soldiers, be their guide. There is no need to prepare dinner any more, we'll have live human meat.'

'live human meat.' The queen said dreamily.

The king reached out a hand and rang at a bell hanging over head.

'yes, your majesty?' general nashootim and general prutentam hurried in, panting.

'go with your troop and corner the mortals, the servant shall be your guide.'

'at once, your majesty.' The generals saluted.

'oh, and dear prutentam.'the queen said in a trance 'we'll eat live human meat together, won't we, my dear?'

'of course.'prudentam had a choking perfume sent 'I'll put more salt, just for you.'

'you're so sweet.' The queen closed her eyes.

The generals led their troops thundering down the corridor, granny walked in front, guiding the party.

'I'm excited for human meat.'a fairy grunted

'me too.' Another one agreed.

'there they are.'granny pointed excitedly, 'the mortals!'

'meat! Meat!meat!' the fairies shouted together.

'which one do we attack first?' a fairy asked

'the one on the shore!'Nashootim yelled

The fairies thundered off for Seleina.

'oops.'Seleina muttered when she saw what was coming her way. 'I'm doomed.'500 trained fairy soldiers verse one hopeless teenager.

Evangeline looked down at all the fuss. There appeared to be a gigantic mob of fairies marching (because armor was too heavy for flying) toward the cliff shore. Seleina stood against the rocky cliff, her forearm was bloody and she wasn't in a good shape. 'no!' Evangeline screamed, trying to break free of her bonds 'out fairy, don't dare to approach.'

Several of them looked up, puzzled 'eh? What was that?'

'I said GET OUT OF THERE!' Evangeline screamed

Seleina sighed, 'no use, Eva. They've made up their mind and they're coming for me'

The fairies kept on approaching, brandishing their weapons and baring their teeth. Seleina studied her opponents, this was no ordinary fight.

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