Chapter Thirteen

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Seleina panted as she dragged herself and Evangeline up hill. Her breathing was ragged and shallow when she reached the top. 'let's rest, I' legs won't budge.'

Evangeline collapsed onto the glass 'that was intense.'

'I know.' Seleina spread out and lay down, folding her arms under her head 'ah, that's good.'

'I think one of us should keep watch. The fairies probably want to slice us through now. they might storm up the hill while we're sleeping.' Evangeline suggested.

'just rest.' Seleina smiled. 'I know we're all tired out like some baked potatoes, yum!'

'how can I rest if there's a bunch of angry non-human beings trying to kill us?' Evangeline retorted 'use your brains and P.S. don't be so sarcastic, how many times have I told you that?'

'calm down. There won't be any.'

'oh?' Evangeline arched an eyebrow 'why is that?'

'because, look..., you'll never know...' Seleina closed her eyes

'right, what is it?' Evangeline's jaw tightened

'can't you have patience?' Seleina looked at Evangeline. But she wasn't there, there wasn't anyone on the hill.

'Evangeline! Evangeline! EVANGELINE!'

No answer.

Fear was beginning to take root, Seleina scanned her surroundings, no Evangeline. Where are you? She thought desperately. Her vision became blurry, with a start, Seleina realized she was crying.

'Oh, rest.' A voice from somewhere in her head said 'this is all a dream, you'll find her here when you wake up, now sleep.'

No! Seleina's instincts replied automatically. Who are you? Where is Evangeline? Tell me!

The voice laughed softly. 'I told you, sleep, and then she'll be there. Or more like it, I myself.'

You, who are you? A haze of sleepiness spread through her, the effect was instantaneous. Answer me!

'I am Evangeline Sofin,' the voice chuckled 'ten years from now.'

What? That was the last thought Seleina could muster

'come.' The voice said, drifting off.

Seleina walked into her dream world.

She was standing barefooted in a meadow of flowers, Evangeline was a few meters away. 'Eva, come here!' she yelled

Evangeline looked up, and smiled 'there you are.' she ran in Seleina's direction.

But Evangeline changed as she came. She grew taller and her hair became longer. No, this wasn't normal.

Evangeline hugged her, but Seleina wriggled free. 'what happened to you?'

The girl let loose. Her golden hair was tangled up, her bright blue eyes displayed a mixture of surprise and shock. She wore a simple nylon dress, and when she smiled, Seleina saw that she was wearing braces. It was Evangeline, but she had changed. This was the Evangeline in her late teens.

'why don't we sit down.' She pointed to a rock.

Seleina sat down gingerly 'why have you brought me here?'

Evangeline put an arm around her shoulder 'let's wait a minute.'

'there's no time.' Seleina pressed 'I need to find Evangeline'

She laughed 'but I'm here.'

'no, not you.'then a strange thought occurred to Seleina 'you're an older version of Evangeline, so that means, we survived this quest?'

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