Chapter Seventeen

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Seleina looked her straight in the eyes. The queen blinked at the sight of them. She turned. 'you will never defeat me.' Seleina said shortly 'and for your information, mortals are much much, I could use a trillion 'much's, mind you, better than blood thirsty immortals or rather aggressive fairies like yourself. Oh, and P.S. remember the fairy who thinks about stinking his enemies away? I don't like that either.'

The king huffed angrily. 'how dare you call my queen aggressive. She's the most adorable and beautiful fairy in history!'

'well then.' Seleina shook her head 'I was thinking whether you'd be so kind to loosen the chains around my friends. I cannot use my magic to free them. That would mean damage.'

'another sign of powerless.' The queen glanced at her 'no, mortal, we will not free them. You, when defeated will be bind up like them too.'

Seleina was growing angry 'please do it, before I strike.'

'before you strike?' the king said in a mocking tone 'that means you will not strike. Are you afraid? I told you, mortal, that you are powerless.'

Seleina shook her head again, 'then you shall pay the consequences.' She opened the palm of her right hand and a gush of yellow liquid flowed out. The liquid dripped onto the floor, sizzled and formed a stream. Flowing, as anxious eyes watched, toward the king and queen. The king reached out his finger, bent down, and touched the liquid gingerly.

'oh, careful.' Seleina warned him 'it's hot!'

The king quickly withdrew his hand with a yelp. But it was already burning. The yellow liquid had burned a hole into his skin and it was sinking in.

'oh no, oh no!' he said turning in circles 'what am I to do?'

'just blow on it.' Seleina said as if it was nothing more than a mere burn 'it'll cool down, just well it'll leave a scar, but nothing too lethal.'

'you call it NOTHING?' the queen screamed into Seleina's ear. 'my king is hurt, and you, mortal have direct responsibility.'

Seleina stuck her fingers in her ears 'lower your volume, I'll be deaf by the time it's over.'

The queen made an expression 'then you'd better be.' She screeched more loudly than ever. Everyone had covered their ears by now.

'I'm giving you a last chance.' Seleina said 'go away, or I'll make you.'

'go away or I'll make you.' The queen mimicked 'you cannot drive me back, I am immortal, we fairies are never afraid. You cannot hurt us. Instead, I will force YOU to surrender.'

'So, I get it.' Seleina lowered her hands for a minute 'I do this.'

She laced her fingers together, her eyes grew sharp, but Aquarius saw something that was unusual in those eyes, her body swayed and then...

'NO!' Evangeline said 'Seleina, you want to...'but Seleina had already blacked out.

The room exploded with a bang.

The roof collapsed. Debris and splinters fell everywhere, glass shattered. Crash, broken furniture fell on top of one another. The lamp hanging from overhead spun and then it fell, crashed, landed and broke into a million pieces.

Every one screamed, a piercing and horrible sound. The fairies scurried to the window and jumped off. Leaving a trail of bright orange dust as they flew away from danger.

Seleina, Evangeline and Aquarius were buried.

'Seleina, Aquarius.' Evangeline's strangled cry came from somewhere deep inside the pile of debris.

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