Chapter Twenty-One

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Seleina had expected herself to be lying on hard solid ground when she awoke, probably with the scent of ferns and grasses around her. But when her consciousness slowly kicked in again, Seleina felt that she was laid on a bed, a soft feathery cushioned bed. She slowly cracked open one eye and stared around.

She was in a grand chamber, with heavy laced curtains and luxurious furniture made of polished wood, rows and rows of jewelry and perfume stood on a shelf lined with diamonds, with further glance, Seleina saw that Evangeline and Aquarius were sitting in pink velvet chairs in a corner whispering to each other.

Good. She thought as memory of the fight kicked in. They're alive and well. Her hear pounded in relief as this realization came to mind. 'Evangeline...'she whispered softly 'are you all right?'

Evangeline jumped out of her seat in surprise. 'wha...what?'

'I didn't speak to you!' Aquarius said, panic in her voice 'what's wrong!'

'nothing's wrong.' Seleina whispered from the bed. 'calm down, alright?'

Evangeline and Aquarius turned to the direction of the person who had spoken, 'Seleina...'they exclaimed in happy gasps 'we were so worried about you. Anyway, you alright?'

Seleina lifted herself up on her elbows 'yeah.' She grinned 'you?'

'we're okay.' Evangeline said 'Crystal had some healing powers, so she healed all our wounds, I still feel dizzy, but...all in all...great!'

'same for me.' Aquarius said.

'tell me...' Seleina said 'what happened? Where's the queen? Where are we? Just...tell me everything that had happened when I was out.'

'well...' Aquarius paused 'you fought the queen and saved us, then, all those rebellion members popped back, because the queen's powers were fading.' She explained.

'the rebellion team captured the queen, and we were honored as heroes, or as they say VIP super alliance members.' Evangeline continued for her 'so, they took us back to the palace, and the unicorns heeled us. The end.'

'good summery,' Aquarius said, 'and' she glanced at Seleina 'they're all calling you 'the super duchess.''

'calling me the what?!'Seleina asked in shock 'I'm not a royalty!' she complained. 'but the name sounds cool.'

'uh huh.' Evangeline smiled 'there'll be a special celebration dinner tomorrow night, but meanwhile...I think we can have a birthday parade.'

'why?' Seleina asked, confused, 'whose birthday is it?'

'um...' Aquarius and Evangeline exchanged nervous glances 'your own, case we didn't get it wrong.'

'oh.' Seleina blinked 'right...yeah...fine okay...uh huh.'

'we've been through so much this year...' Evangeline said, almost unbelievingly 'but happy birthday...'

'happy birthday.' Aquarius said, as she handed Seleina a glass of vanilla ice-cream smoothie, with whipped cream. 'hope you enjoy that.'

Seleina took the glass, muttered 'thanks.' And sipped silently, thinking of all that they had come through. Her head ached to think of all these, but Seleina concluded nevertheless that it was a long journey in a place they did not know of. When she had finished, she sat up abruptly 'where's the queen, I need to see her. I may be able to get the wings.'

'she's in the one of the jail cells. You know where it is.' Evangeline explained 'if you really want to see her. We'll accompany you, shall we?'

'thanks Evangeline.' Seleina got up shakily, 'but I'm afraid you can't...I'll have to go there by myself, I've got a feeling of it.'

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