Chapter Nineteen

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Seleina turned, and closed her eyes. 'please, you're slowing down my pace.' then her eyes glowed in hatred 'I remember, you took them away, didn't you?'

'yes.' the queen stroked Seleina's chin with her bony finger 'I threw them down the deepest pits, and I shall do the same to you too.'

'oh, yeah.' Seleina growled 'let's see that.'

'hey!' chief Botson H Mahazei Senior shouted as he saw the queen 'you're the queen aren't you? Don't harm Molly, Polly and Lolly or I'm going to stink you away!'

'stink me away?' the queen laughed 'no, no. I was just having a lovely walk, when I discovered the mortals, here. And I will stay here as long as I please.'

'enough of this.' chief Botson H Mahazei Senior said 'fairies. The time has come. Rage your anger and charge, for the queen is here!'

No answer. 'FAIRIES!' he shouted 'come out and fight!' no answer either.

The queen smirked 'your little rebellion team, huh? Why, I sent them away. My power is rising and I will only take those that I please. Other outcasts, like yourself are to be wiped out.' She flicked her hand and before anyone could say anything, chief Botson H Mahazei Senior had disappeared with a pop.

'what have you done to him?' Aquarius screamed.

'a little show of my power.' The queen smiled 'now, to the point. Seleina, you shall be a wonderful part in my kingdom that is about to rise. So why don't you join me?'

'well,' Seleina shook her head 'no.'

'then instantaneous death would be your choice?' the queen turned her back on the girls.

'yeah, if you can kill me.' Seleina nodded. 'but I doubt it.'

'alright then.' The queen shot a ray of yellow sparks into the air. 'It isn't fair that you fight with two on your side, so, I am calling two other powerful fairies to make sure that you would be thrown into the darkest pit, as I please.'

'here.' The fairy king and Prudentam had arrived in the blink of an eye.

'very good.' The queen grinned evilly 'now, we will all focus on killing the mortals, for if we succeed, then my empire would be the strongest league of all nineteen wonders'

'yes.' the fairies agreed. 'the strongest, the best.'

'to action then.' Seleina jumped on to Crystal's back. 'you'll pay for what you did to my family' she snarled and took on the queen herself.

Evangeline leaped onto Snowflake and charged at the king.

Aquarius mounted Starlight and became invisible.

'let's go Crys.'Seleina ducked as the queen shot an arch of arrows at her.

'power lost. Huh, mortal?' the queen sneered in triumph 'where's your magic? Are you too weak?'

'no.' Seleina smiled 'you're too weak, I don't need magic.'

'then you are powerless.' The queen cackled, as a shower of dark brown sparks hit Seleina before she could react. 'you are going to be thrown into the darkest of all the pits.'

'ow.' Seleina groaned as she tried to remain conscious. The powder that the queen had casted was one of the most dangerous. Just a small dose would be enough to cause the victim a lifetime of woe and misery.

Seleina furrowed her brow. Her body was twitching, she didn't have the energy to fight the evil force. Woeful memories were coming to her head as she struggled desperately. Mist was clouding inside her head, a low voice was laughing inside, irresistible. The voice was rich and powerful, and Seleina fought the urge to laugh along with it. But something held her back, a feeling that it was a one-way journey, if she joined, then she would be lost forever.

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