Chapter Five

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And so inside they went, to find themselves on a narrow road, quite unlike any near CHS.

It was, after all, no doubt, a land that was not earth.

'We've entered the magical kingdom in the legend.' Evangeline whispered happily.

'Yes.' Seleina said. 'This is true, isn't it? It's not a dream? Oh, Evangeline, tell me it's not a dream.'

But Evangeline had not even opened her mouth, before a shrill scream came from behind.

One of the fairies, with butterfly-like wings and yellowish eyes who had been plowing silently by the corner came zooming forward, wings flapping furiously, screaming for help to confront the two girls.

'Sound the alarm!' He screeched. 'Sound the alarm! We have been invaded!'

'No, no, no.' Evangeline sounded terrified. 'We are not intruders, we come on a mission of peace!'

'Call the prince! Call the princess! Call the queen! Call the king!' The fairy continued to scream and screech as though he had not heard. 

'Calm down.' Seleina said desperately. 'It's okay. You don't need to call anyone. We won't harm you.'

'Or will you?' A sneer came from behind, and Seleina and Evangeline swirled around, to see another fairy, though a lot taller than the ones working on either sides of the road. She was wearing a rather ugly and battered tiara, her lips silver, her yellow eyes menacing.

'Who are you?' Seleina asked sharply.

'I am the queen of Fairyland.' The queen of Fairyland declared. 'But I know perfectly well who you two are. Traitors, idiots, unlawfuls. You are cowards, trespassing upon my land without permission. '

Seleina bit her lip 'I think we're pretty brave compared to your people. That one over there,' She pointed at the first fairy who by now was hovering uncertainly behind the queen. 'Went a bit crazy just seeing us here.'

'Hateful mortals.' The queen said, her voice filled with loathing, she flapped her wings, which were decorated elaborately with shimmering patterns, stiffly, 'I command you to shut your mouth.'

'And I command you to do the same.' Seleina said coldly

The queen's eyes had a yellowish stare 'in my rule over a thousand years, I have not seen people as daring as you.'

'of course, you haven't met any people, there are only fairies in your land.' Seleina said 'stop being foolish.'

'daring, but you will be killed in my hands.' Her eyes shone with greed, 'come, mortal, I will send you before the king to receive justice.'

'do we go?'Seleina asked Evangeline

'I'm weighing the outcomes, wait.' Evangeline pondered this 'okay now, queen, tell me what your king is like.'

The queen couldn't resist it anymore 'mortals. I shall not be ordered around'

'let's go, Eva,' Seleina said 'it's not like we know we are going, so let's go see the king, perhaps he wouldn't be as keen to kill people as little Queeny.'

'all right!' these teenagers were blowing her, but the queen managed to keep on that face of pride. 'follow me, mortals.'

'are you not a mortal?' Seleina asked

'no, of course not.' The queen shook her head, making her dark opal earrings jangle 'we fairies live forever. Unless... mind your own business.'

'I don't have my own business right now, so I guess I don't need to mind it.' Seleina said casually

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