Chapter Sixteen

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'now it is time for us to proceed.' The king rubbed his hands together 'my queen, you will take these mortals to our palace, if you please. I will send our three honored generals to accompany you. I meanwhile, will visit Molesia herself and drain her powers so that the Midoleam would crumble and fade.'

'yes, dear king.' The queen laughed 'I am proud to bring the sacrifice.'

The king nodded and snapped his fingers. 'come, O' you honored three. Come to me, and bring with thee, your greatest chosen league.' His voice echoed strangely around the dim room. Ephior Jomazz's voice was still moaning outside. Poor man, Evangeline thought.

The generals appeared out of thin air. They descended. General Prudentam was wearing polished armor, which clunked noisily. General Nashootim stood to his left, and another fairy, which neither of the girls knew, stood to his right.

'we are here, your majesties.' the generals said in unison.

'oh,' the queen laced her fingers 'thank you, now, we must get our prisoners to my temple, do you understand?'

'yes of course.' the generals saluted.

'very well,' the queen heaved herself off the bed 'we shall leave now, king.'

'wish you luck, my dear.' he turned to leave 'oh,' he halted suddenly 'you must be quick, the fairy rebellion team is rising, they're questioning what we are up to. But, it shall only take us hours to get to the palace, then, it shall all be true!' he laughed, the queen joined in too.

'you'll never win!' Evangeline suddenly shouted over the laughter. 'never'

The laughing ceased abruptly 'what are you saying, mortal?' the queen asked, her voice dangerously soft.

'you will never win.' Evangeline steadied herself, shaking her head.

'from birth I loathed the sound of these words. The person who spoke them died painfully in my hands. And thus, no one spoke them ever again, but you.' The queen turned to Evangeline 'you and your friends will be tortured now.'

'so, what about it?' Aquarius tried to break free 'we're gonna die anyway. I hate to think about your kingdom of power'

'yeah.' Seleina stepped in 'stop making these threats, if you're really so sure, why don't you, you know, just slice us into bacon or some stuff?' she opened her mouth to say something else, but she fell unconscious in midsentence.

'Seleina...'Aquarius and Evangeline gasped.

The king and queen howled with laughter. 'her soul is sucked out,' the king said 'she is too weak to continue.'

Aquarius almost fainted herself. what was she to do now that Seleina had gone? This was her quest, she was the main leader, and how could she ever get past life without her, now that they had met again? She would not be the Seleina she knew when she woke up, if she would. These questions swam in her head, they haunted her like evil nightmares.

'it's okay.' Evangeline's voice was clear and soft 'I feel the same, but she'll get over it.'

'you can read my thoughts?' Aquarius asked, pulling her away from these extremely unpleasant questions which led to even more extremely unpleasant answers.

'sorta.' Evangeline smiled 'it's a kind off bonding, I think.'

Aquaius returned a tiny smile, then she noticed something. 'Evangeline, what's those on Seleina's arm?'

Evangeline peered. There were silver bands of electricity swirling on Seleina's wrist, they spiraled toward her upper arm. Then, 'not the heart.' Evangeline breathed, but the sparks had already entered.

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