Chapter Six

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The cell was damp. Seleina woke, feeling nauseous, she checked herself for any wounds, none, except for a few scrapes. She sat up, and checked her surroundings.

She was in a cell, nothing else. The cell had iron bars and a wall and... okay, just as one regular old cell might be. And, other than that, oh yes, Seleina turned her attention to Evangeline.

She crawled over to her and tore off her CHS uniform. She listened intently for heartbeats. Thump, thump, thump. Seleina heaved a deep sigh of relief, at least she was not dead.

Evangeline's eyelids were closed. Seleina gently pried them open. The corners of her mouth twitched. Seleina shook her.

Evangeline's mouth opened, she muttered 'why do you want to put us in prison anyway? If we have not committed any illegal crime, then it does not follow that we shall be sent to prison. According to regulations number...'

Seleina groaned, yes this was no doubt Evangeline, the annoying kind. 'shut up.' She hissed 'we are in prison.'

Evangeline focused, 'wha...what is going on, where are we?'

Seleina slumped back, relaxed. The fairy king had just managed to make her unconscious for a while, nothing serious. 'we're in the fairy prison.'

Evangeline stared at the room she was in, 'where?'

For once, Seleina's eyes lost the power they usually radiated, 'prison.' She said, looking at the floor 'we're in prison. You were right Eva, this is completely hopeless, sorry if I am mad.'

Evangeline grasped her, 'no!' she screamed 'never! Don't say that!'

'don't say what?'

'Seleina.' Evangeline choked back her tears 'you're always the genius I knew of, you aren't mad, you're never mad.'

'who knows about that?' Seleina managed a weary smile 'and by the way, calm down, I think someone is coming our way'

And sure enough, an armored fairy-soldier walked to the door of the cell, 'heil, human.'

'who are you?' Evangeline asked

'I believe prisoners do not ask any questions.' He answered

'then why are you here?'

He didn't bother to tell them off this time. 'I am sent here by the high Queen of fairyland.'

Seleina stood up 'oh, from little Queeny, huh?'

'your indignity to queen will be mentioned.' The messenger said

'that's alright, what is your message?'

'the queen will make you palace servants and set you free from jail if you agree to present her with all your power and knowledge.'he said grandly

'what powers do we have?' Evangeline asked 'and knowledge is the basis of life, if our knowledge is stolen, then our life is nothing. So I say no. knowledge is my fundamental life source.'

'I quite agree.' Seleina said 'go back and tell little Queeny that we refuse.'

The messenger huffed and scampered off.

Some minutes later, the royal trumpeters stomped in, and began to play a fancy tune. Seleina saw what was going on. 'oh, Queeny.'she said sighing

The queen was flanked by two fairy girls, both wearing silver pointed hats with ribbons billowing out. She reached the cell door, 'look at the mortals.' She laughed 'you are under my control!' she yelled

'whatever queeny, what have you come for?' Seleina asked

'you are still daring, let's see what your expression will be like when I force and drown you in the Midoleam rivers.' the queen said 'that is always the way our fairies get punished.'

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