Chapter Fifteen

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Seleina, Evangeline and Aquarius sat by the hearth, sipping a mug of coffee, and having a sandwich. Ephior Jomazz sat on a sofa beside them, smoking a pipe.

'so, what's your quest?' Aquarius asked cutting the sandwich into 24 pieces. 'why did you come here?'

Evangeline sighed and began to explain what had happened, with Seleina cutting her off sometimes to say 'that part was brilliant, wasn't it?'

'so that's it.' Evangeline said 'now, tell us how you came here.'

Aquarius sighed, crossed her legs, and began to tell her part.

'so that was some adventure wasn't it?' Seleina said admiringly after she had finished. 'I loved the Featherhill fountain.'

'the part about the Immortality Stream creeped me out though.' Evangeline shivered and took another sip.

'now, girls. Get to bed!' Ephior Jomazz barked 'and wake up early tomorrow to discuss your plan!'

'we'd better obey, he is bossy sometimes.' Aquarius headed off toward a room at the left, Seleina and Evangeline followed her.

'that's right!' Ephior hooted. 'go to sleeeep!'

'will we fit in one bed though?' Evangeline asked.

'no worries, the bed is huge.' Aquarius turned on the light.

The girls changed into their nightgowns and flopped onto the giant featherbed.

Evangeline fell asleep instantaneously. Seleina stared at the ceiling for a couple of minutes, then closed her eyes. When she was just about to drift off, Aquarius nudged her.

'huh?' Seleina muttered sleepily.

'you wanna sleep?' Aquarius asked her

'yeah.' Seleina said 'don't you?'

'nope, not at all.' Aquarius said brightly.

'then give me some rest, 'kay?' Seleina said in a whisper.

'I hope you would talk with me for a while.' Aquarius said 'I can't sleep.'

'talk to yourself.' Seleina muttered 'sorry, but I need rest.' She drifted off

Aquarius tossed and turned in bed. 'sleep.' she told herself repeatedly, but her efforts were useless. She slipped off the bed, trying not to make a sound and tiptoed to the window. She stood there, barefooted and stared, gazing out. Her bright starry eyes showed no sign of tiredness. The minutes crawled by.

She groaned, why was she so hyperactive? She couldn't sleep. She felt alone in the darkness of the quiet bedroom. She shivered, she was not Seleina. She hated the dark. So, she leaped onto Evangeline's side of the bed and snuggled next to her.

'Evangeline.' She whispered in her ear 'wake up.'

Evangeline didn't move. Her features were still and peaceful in the moonlight.

Aquarius nudged her 'oh come on, wake up.'

The corners of Evangeline's mouth twitched, her eyelids opened and she sat up, golden hair in tangles. 'Aquarius what? Anything dangerous?'

'no, nothing's out of order. Fancy a nighttime stroll?' Aquarius put a finger to her lips 'hush up, Seleina will wake up if you make too much noise.'

Evangeline tried for a smile. 'Aquarius, you know we're all pretty tired, so, why don't you just try to lay down and doze off.'

'can't.' Aquarius said simply 'I tried.' She shrugged.

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