Chapter Three

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  'Charlson?' the garderner asked 'the English teacher?'

'yes,'Evangeline put in 'he said that there was emergency business that you needed to attend to, so he sent us.'

'Charlson! That big nosed gorilla!' Mrs. Labrartey spat 'why is he so nosy?'she picked up the telephone.

'oh no,'Seleina said quickly, knowing what would happen 'he wanted you to come, not call.'

'Get out of my way.'Mrs. Labrartey began to dial

Evangeline looked at Seleina, Seleina looked at Evangeline, they exchanged a silent 'this is not going well.'

'now.' Mrs. Labrartey had finished dialing 'hello? Charlson, is that you?'

No reply, the phone was off line 'Charlson!' Mrs. Labrartey barked 'can you hear me, Charlson?'no reply either. The children heaved a sigh of releief.

Mrs. Labrartey rounded on them.'what's so funny?'

'no, nothing.' Seleina answered quickly

'well, Charlson is sure as nosy as he looks.'Mrs. Labrartey said 'I think he doesn't need anyone to help him.'

The girls exchanged another look, this one said 'this is not going well.'

'no of course he does.' Evangeline insisted 'it's really emergent, and he said that you were the only one who could help him. It's something about gardening.'

Mrs. Labrartey huffed 'gardening? Tell me little chimp, what does he need for gardening?'

'I don't know.' Said Evangeline innocently 'but ma'am, please come with us, or Mr. Chalson will be very worried and angry.'

'well anyway.' Mrs. Labrartey got up 'I think I may need to follow you chickens to see out the matter.'

'thank you.'Seleina said, Evangeline nodded in agreement.

'Well move, you idiots.' Mrs. Labrartey barked at them, for Seleina and Evangeline had been standing immobile, as though waiting for her to make the first move.

'Um, we thought you would fancy going out first.' Evangeline murmured.

'Eva, you know...' But Seleina's word trailed away as her eyes rounded. She had just seen the key to the gardens--sticking out of the gardener's back pocket. If she acted fast, she might be able to seize it. 'Yes, yes.' Seleina changed tack at top speed. 'Mrs. Labrartey, since you are eh...all important and fanciable, we just thought you would love to take the lead.'

'Exactly.' Evangeline whispered, nodding frantically. 'You are the most meaningful and important and superior teacher in the whole entire school, the world even!'

Mrs. Labrartey looked delighted at this praise -- a smug smile crept upon her pouchy face. 'Well, well. Isn't that true?' She turned, her plump frame wobbling slightly as she made out the door.

'Now, quick!' 

Evangeline gave a terrified yet excited squeak as Seleina reached forward and seized hold of the keys to the back garden.

'Take it, take it!'

As Seleina glanced down, a triumphant smile on her face, restoring the keys in her own pocket; Mrs. Labrartey turned around.

'You thieves!' She barked. 'Give me my keys back, chickens!'

'Slam the door on her!'

Evangeline breathlessly kicked the door shut, and with fumbling fingers, turned the lock, leaving the gardener red-faced, pounding outside.

'Let me in, let me in! This is utterly unacceptable! Chickens! Liars! Big fat winged turkeys!'

'Let's hope the door holds.' Seleina flashed Evangeline a wicked smile before turning to make a face at the livid Mrs. Labrartey, who was still stuck inside.

'Now that we've got the keys,' Evangeline said. 'We can put the next stage of our plan into work.'

'Hush.' Seleina whispered back. 'We'll have to wait until night to closely inspect that tree. People might see us if we go out there in broad daylight, and getting caught is never good.'

Evangeline shrugged. 'Well, you're the boss.'

Seleina smirked.

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