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-: sixth year :-


. . .

The next evening and Harry and Rosie were let out of the Hospital Wing. The Kersey girl hadn't exactly been in the best mental state, and she couldn't even imagine what Harry was going through.

Either way, she ended up staying in Fred and George's dorm for most of the time, and the twins stayed with her, working on some of their products. Angelina and a few other girls visited, but Rosie wasn't up for much talking.

She felt so guilty, despite knowing that there was nothing she could have done  to prepare him for that. She had done her best - even going as far as brewing a potion that was banned from any competition internationally, just because she had a bad feeling. And the bad feeling was right, but she didn't know just how bad it was.

Every day, around noon, she would get out of bed and drag herself down to the Hospital Wing, sitting with Cedric's body for half an hour before disappearing back upstairs, not knowing how she could face the stares and whispers, or even if she could.

Fred and George would bring her back plates of food, patiently listening to her upsets and questions, promising her that whatever Dumbledore thought could happen, would. 

It was the night before the final day of school, and Rosie was sat in George's bed, reading a book in silence. The twins had gone down to meet up with Lee before the big feast before the end of term. Rosie was missing it - nothing special would even happen. Nobody wanted to celebrate when Cedric had died. 

If Rosie had glanced at the clock, she would have noticed just how early they went down for the feast, but it became obvious why when the door to the room swung open and the distinctive sound of heels could be heard on the stone, Rosie's head shooting up, almost dropping her book when she saw Professor McGonagall. 

"Miss Kersey.." The teacher trailed off when she looked around the room. "I regret to inform you that your presence is mandatory at tonight's feast. I understand why you might not wish to be there, but Professor Dumbledore has asked that everyone attends. Madam Pomfrey gave me this to give to you, said it would cheer you up." 

McGonagall held out an unlabelled vial to Rosie, who un-stoppered it, smelling it. "Peppermint and lavender. A Calming drought." She said quietly, McGonagall watching as she made a face, contemplating it before placing the rim of the vial to her lips and tipping her head back, swallowing the entire thing. 

Twenty minutes later and Rosie was walking down from the boys' dorm, robes pulled tight around her uniform. The Gryffindor tie was knotted around her neck messily, her shirt was rumpled and her skirt far too short. But she was dressed and heading towards the feast.

Her eyes didn't brush over the Hospital Wing door, walking straight past it without a second glance. Luckily everyone in the hall seemed to preoccupied to notice her - or Rosie's mind was clouded from the lack of fresh air she had gotten over the past few days - because if she really looked carefully, it was practically the opposite of that.

"Rosie-Posie, so glad to see you." Fred said, a little too loud as Rosie slipped into the seats beside him. She only shrugged, eyes flitting over to the Ravenclaw table for just a second. Cho was already looking back at her, and Rosie smiled weakly, the girl returning it with a similar action. They might have hated each other just a week ago, but there were in somewhat of the same situation. Whether Rosie liked her or not, she had loved Cedric. 

𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗶𝗱 𝗹𝗮𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗻, cedric diggoryWhere stories live. Discover now