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-: sixth year :-


. . .

By the time anyone was ready to go to Hogsmeade, Rosie was already gone. She had woken up at the crack of dawn, went to breakfast the earliest it appeared on the long tables, rushing to eat that before practically running up to the third floor.

Rosie would wait until the corridor was empty before moving over to the statue of the crooked witch with one eye, the password whispered under her breath, then climbed in it, making her way through the long passage into Hogsmeade.

"Morning Eddie." Rosie said, pushing the trapdoor off of the top of the passage. Within the cellar of Honeydukes was the son of Ambrosius Flume, who owned the shop, Eddie, who jumped out of his skin when he heard Rosie's voice. 

"Merlin Rosie." He said, a hand over his heart. "Made me jump out my skin. I assume you're off to work a shift for Rosmerta?"

"You got it. Have a good morning, Eddie, I'll let myself out." Rosie said, pulling herself out of the floor and replacing the trapdoor over the square hole. 

"Wouldn't mind bringing me over some Butterbeer at some point, you'll be rewarded with our newest collection of fudge?" Eddie asked as Rosie approached the steps. He was holding up a bag of the product, and squinting, she read the words on the label.

"'Infused with blood' - adding to vampire collection I see?" Rosie asked, and Eddie nodded, making a face at the bag before tucking it away in the crate he pulled it out from. "If you can offer me some normal fudge - oh and some of that crystalised pineapple for the Madam?"

"Of course, I'll see you then." Eddie tipped the top of his staff hat towards Rosie, who giggled and said her goodbyes and disappeared up the steps into the main shop, where Mrs Flume was stacking up packets of Drooble's Best Blowing Gum.

"Good morning Rosie." She said, turning to the girl. "How are those twins of yours doing." The Kersey girl had ended up getting close with the Flume family during their first few visits to Hogsmeade in their third year, where they would help out with the constant flow of students in and out the shop. 

The family was very aware of the passage in their basement, having told the trio about a group of friends who used it a while back. And so, in return for their work in their third year, Mr and Mrs Flume had agreed to let them come and get sweets from the basement whenever they pleased - it seemed a lot for such a little thing, but it just seemed that the family was rather generous and always had extra stock during the time when there wasn't any Hogsmeade visits. 

Eddie was a year and a few months older than Rosie, Fred and George, but had began to talk with Rosie when she worked her shifts at the Three Broomsticks. He admittedly had somewhat of a crush on the girl, but would never act on it; she was clearly out of his league, as he put it. 

He was a squib, and so had never actually attended Hogwarts, but got a little of the experience about it from the stories that Rosie told him. And to him, that was another reason why he and Rosie could never work out - she was completely oblivious though. 

"They're good, thanks Mrs Flume. I really need to get going." Rosie said, making her way towards the door. "I promised to bring you, Eddie and Mr Flume some butterbeer later though."

"And Eddie promised you some fudge?" Mrs Flume asked, Rosie nodding. "Here, take this as well. And don't drink too much, and be careful with boys - too much butterbeer and they can get a little funny." The old woman advised her with a smile.

Rosie took the packet of gum offered to her, telling Mrs Flume she would certainly be careful, before rushing onto the cobbled streets of the village, and just down the street to the Three Broomsticks. 

"Good morning Madam Rosmerta." Rosie called, looking around the pub for the woman who ran it. A shout came from in the back, greeting the girl. "I'll start setting up the tables." Rosie shouted back, stuffing her bag and coat into the cupboard under the counter, clicking the lock shut before walking over to the tables, bringing down the chairs that were flipped upside down on them. 

There was an hour before opening, and that was mostly spent with Rosie cleaning the tables and putting the appropriate decorations on the top of them. It gave her a lot of time to think, and a slight fear settled in her stomach. 

Of all of the many people who would visit the pub that day, she was praying that Theo wouldn't be one of them. Or if one of them were, then she hoped that Cedric would be there for her to distract, because if he saw him anywhere else or talking to Rosie, well to put it one way, Theo would get another black eye.

And Rosie really didn't like herself for saying this, but she sure hoped he got another.


nothings happening
before the third task

𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗶𝗱 𝗹𝗮𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗻, cedric diggoryWhere stories live. Discover now