˗ˋ 18

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-: seventh year :-


. . .

The Kersey girl apparated back in the alley at the end of Grimmauld Place an hour and a half later, having rushed around Diagon Alley as quickly as possible, and had even ducked into Knockturn Alley for ten minutes to get a particularily hard to come by ingredients.

She landed somewhat gracefully, managing to end up on her own two feet even if her head was spinning and her ankles crossed as she stumpled, a hand colliding with the brick wall beside her. 

Taking a moment to catch her breath and stop her vision from twisting and turning, Rosie checked to make sure that nothing had broken in her bag or fallen out of her pockets. Thankfully nothing had, and so with pockets and bag utterly filled to the brim with what she had bought at the Wizarding shopping area, Rosie slipped out of the alleyway and moved along the street.

Stopping in front of the area between Number 11 and Number 13, Rosie leant against the wall that seperated the pavement and the small park in the middle of the square, squeezing her eyes closed for just a moment, only the image and name of the house she needed to get into floating around her mind. 

Her eyes fluttered open, eyelashes casting shadows under her eyes as she stepped past the lamp post and crossed the brick street towards Number 12 Grimmauld Place. 

Stepping up onto the front steps, Rosie leaned forward and rose the serpent knocker; the only way to alert anyone that she was there and needed to enter. The door swung open after a minute and Rosie winced at the sound of Mrs Black screaming in her portrait.

"Thank you Sirius." Rosie grinned as she slipped past the front door, it having been pulled over by none other than the man of the house. "Busy day?" She asked, noticing the amount of coats on the stand as they passed through the corridor and stopped in the hallway, Mrs Weasley and Lupin hurriedly trying to shut up Sirius's mother. 

"As busy as it can be when you're stuck in here." Sirius said bitterly, although his eyes were questioning as he looked down at Rosie's pockets, and her bag which seemed to be moving rather strangely. "I suppose I can't say the same for you?" He eyed the moving lump.

"I.. um.." Rosie trailed off, eyes flickering to Mrs Weasley, voice lowering. "I went to Diagon Alley, for the business." She explained and Sirius nodding, not stopping her as she looked over his shoulder and into the kitchen. 

"There's an Order meeting, everyone is up in their rooms. Molly will call you down later, we're almost ready to start and just have to wait for-" Sirius was cut off by the sound of the doorbell and Lupin and Mrs Weasley hurried back to Mrs Black, who they had shut up just moments before.

Rosie waited, curious about who they were waiting for as Sirius pulled the door open silently, not saying anything to the person who had entered, muttering bitterly as he lead them both up the corridor.

"Professor Snape?" Rosie's voice was practically a squeak as she hid her pockets with her arms and forced her bag to hide behind her back. "How lovely to see you, I do have a couple of questions about a certain potion but they will have to wait." Her eyes will still wide as she rushed off upstairs. 

"Miss Kersey." Snape's drawling voice stopped her half way up the first staircase. "You have dropped your Bezoars." He held up a small box, and Mrs Weasley whipped around.

"Bezoars? Rosie, what on earth do you need them for?" The woman asked, Rosie faltering as she hovered on the stairs, wondering how she could get out of this. She paused, gently putting her bag down on the stairs to hide the wiggling lump.

"Well.. Mariam gave them to me." Rosie quickly said, practically spitting out the words as she moved forward. "You can.. er.. never have too many Bezoars. Thank you Professor.." She took the box. "Now we won't end up poisoned if the potion goes wrong." She added under her breath as she climbed back up the stairs.

"What was that?" Mrs Weasley's face contorted in confusion, watching as Rosie hurried back to her bag, slinging it over her shoulder and walking up the last few stairs.

"That? Oh nothing, just trying not to get posioned." Rosie shrugged, disappearing onto the next landing and not stopping moving until she pulled open the doors to her and twins' room.

Fred and George were lounging on their beds and practically jumped out of their skin as Rosie slammed the door. "Did he wake up?" George asked, eyebrow raised and his tone tired. 

"No. But your mum almost found all of the potions stuff I bought." Rosie dumped the bag on her own bed and began to empty her pockets. "Come on, help me put these away." She said.

And so throughout the time in which the Order of the Phoenix met, Rosie, Fred and George were climbing up on top of the wardrobe and storing away the ingredients and other items that Rosie had brung back with her.

Ready to be used as they spent their days slipping away from the cleaning Mrs Weasley forced them to do to try and continue to progress their business.

𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗶𝗱 𝗹𝗮𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗻, cedric diggoryWhere stories live. Discover now