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-: sixth year :-


. . .

Rosie very almost stuck to her word, but it took slightly longer for her to dry her hair than she planned. And so, she was five minutes late to meet Cedric, and she had almost fallen off yet another moving staircase in her rush, adding another two minutes on.

She rushed down the stairs that lead into the Entrance Hall, glancing around to try and find the golden-brown haired boy, and she saw him. He had done as she suggested, changed and got into some new clothes; a pair of jeans and his hufflepuff sweater.

The girl began to walk over to him, but was quickly stopped by a certain dark-haired Durmstrang student. "Oh-" She practically jumped out of her skin as she felt him snake an arm around her waist. "Theo, hey." Rosie smiled as she looked up at him, the action somewhat tight-lipped, less comfortable than usual. 

"Rosie, I've not seen you for a while - and I didn't see you at the task." He frowned. "I missed you." 

Rosie felt awful - she hadn't meant to not talk to Theo for the length of time she hadn't, but with worrying for the task and then suddenly taking part in it, there simply wasn't enough time. 

"I'm sorry, really Theo, I am." Rosie said, her eyes flickering over to Cedric. He was watching them with a rather peculiar look on his face. "But this really isn't a good time. Besides, Fred and George pushed me in the water, I had to change and huddle in some towel thing that Professor McGonagall gave me." She was lying through her teeth, but she wasn't exactly comfortable telling Theo about the mermaid part of her. 

"Why isn't a good time - what do you have to do after the task. You're not helping the Hufflepuff guy anymore, and there aren't any lessons until tomorrow." Theo frowned. "Just spend five minutes with me? Please."

"Theo-" Rosie sighed. "After dinner we can, ok? I'm supposed to be meeting someone and I'm already.. well over ten minutes late." She checked the large clock which hung on one of the walls. 

"Sorry for being clingy - I just like spending time with you that's all." Theo smiled, leaning down and kissing her on the cheek. "I'll let you go - who are you meeting though, just out of curiousity."

Rosie considered lying again - she had complained about Cedric far too much to Theo for him to possibly understand why should would want to meet up with him, and was about to tell him it was Angelina, before he found out for himself.

"Oh." Theo said, as he followed Rosie's gaze over to Cedric, who frowned when he saw that Theo was looking over. "But Rosie-" 

"I know what I'm doing, Theo. I'll talk to you later." She said quickly, hesitating before leaning up to quickly kiss him on the cheek before running off. 

"One of the Durmstrang lot? I wouldn't have pegged you for the dark-arts type." Cedric rose his eyebrows as Rosie approached, glancing behind her at Theo, who met his gaze before turning away. "You know, the reputation Durmstrang has and everything?"

"Yeah I don't really feel like taking dating advise from you. Especially after everything." Rosie shrugged, and Cedric frowned, before copying her actions.

"Fair enough." He said, before beginning to walk off. "You coming?" He asked, and Rosie hurried to catch up with him. 

They walked in silence for a few minutes, getting away from the loudness of the main school and into a place with a bit more privacy for them to talk without busiebodies fonding out that they're talking again and Cho finding out.

"So the twins pushed you in, huh?" Cedric said, but didn't look entirely convinced. Rosie nodded enthusiastically, perhaps so much so that it completely ruined any point she was trying to make. "Are you going to tell me the real reason or do I have to guess?"

"The twins pushed me in, honestly." Rosie said, as they walked down a rather dark corridor, one of the torches flickering back to life as they walked past, making them jump. "Why else would I have been in the water?"

"Well you see, when I was in the water, there happened to be this mermaid. She helped me rather a lot whilst I was down there, and from what I've heard, she helped Potter as well." Cedric began. 

"Interesting story Diggory, care to tell me where I fit into this?" Rosie feigned ignorance to the whole situation, when in reality she knew exactly what they were talking about. 

"She seemed to be a bit different than the rest of the mermaids I saw." Cedric continued, and Rosie tried her hardest not to react. "And it was rather noticeable, if I'm honest."

"You see, Rosie Kersey, I have every reason to believe that you were that mermaid."


𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗶𝗱 𝗹𝗮𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗻, cedric diggoryWhere stories live. Discover now