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-: sixth year :-


. . .

"Cedric!" A voice shouted across the loud and busy Inn, where the smell of butterbeer was far too strong and there were far too man Hogwarts students packed around each table. 

The Hufflepuff champion carefully directed himself through the crowds, accepting words of support from various students. He seemed so grateful, as he slipped past the bar, where a certain dark-haired girl was sat.

The Inn was warm and well lit, and Rosmerta was certainly making a profit that day, considering the amount of students there. Not only Hogwart students, but multiple Beauxbatons and Durmstrang pupils had made the trip from the castle to the small village. 

"I think the students from Durmstrang in the corner want a top up?" Madam Rosmerta said, and Rosie looked up from her butterbeer glass. "I'm sorry to have you take so many orders today, it's a shame Angelina fell sick." 

It was true, the previous night Angelina had fallen sick with some form of stomach bug. An quick trip to Madam Pomfrey had fixed her up over night, with a mouthful or two of potion - but the woman had suggested that perhaps it wasn't better to risk it returning, as the walk to Hogsmeade at that time of year came with wild, cold winds and perhaps even snow. 

And so, with Lee and the twins picking up a few supplies from a variety of shops, Rosie had walked to Hogsmeade on her own, with a somewhat spring in her step and the thought of keeping herself busy all day in her mind.

"Perhaps a little extra than a free mug of butterbeer will prompt you?" Madam Rosmerta said. "Perhaps a few sickles, or perhaps a galleon?" She smiled, and Rosie laughed, shaking her head. 

"No.. no." Rosie smiled, slipping of her stool. "I'll just do it for another butterbeer when I've finished this one." She held up her quarter-full glass, and Madam Rosmerta nodded. 

"Take the young man's order as well. The one that just came in." Rosmerta pointed at a table, where a group of grey and yellow-robed students sat.

"Of course." Rosie smiled, taking the small notepad from the side and walked over to the Durmstrang table. "Can I get you anything else?" She asked the Durmstrang students, who asked her for a refills of various glasses of butterbeer and firewhiskey. 

Holding their glasses in mostly one arm, Rosie hurried over to the second table, placing a couple of glasses down. "Rosie, hey." One of them said, and the girl in question looked down, to see the one and only Cedric Diggory.

"Oh.. hi." Rosie smiled, her eyes flickering to the people Cedric was with, and then back to Cedric. "Do you want anything to drink?" She asked, and Cedric frowned. 

"Sure, a butterbeer please." He said, then stood up out of his seat. "Let me help me with those." Cedric offered, and without even Rosie agreeing, he had taken a few of the glasses.

"I was perfectly fine, thank you." Rosie smiled, as Cedric followed her behind the bar, putting down the glasses. "Madam Rosmerta doesn't let any customers back here." She said, and Cedric took her point, moving out and sitting on one of the stools. 

"Did something happen?" Cedric asked, and he looked so worried that Rosie felt a little awkward, trying to relieve herself of some of that feeling by giggling. 

"No. Not exactly." Rosie replied, the smile fading as she began to refill the glasses for the Durmstrang students. She turned away for a moment, and Cedric watched as she reached for a bottle of firewhiskey - except she couldn't.

"You want some help with that?" Cedric offered, and Rosie attempted one last time, before turning round, smiling helplessly. "Of course." Cedric stood up, slipping behind the bar. 

He got the bottle with easy, and passed it to her. "Ahem." Someone cleared their throat, and the pair looked to the side of them, to see Madam Rosmerta, arms folded across her stomach. 

"What happened to nobody but workers behind the bar?" Rosmerta asked, and Rosie let out a giggle - a sound that seemed almost musical, a tinkling, glittery sound. 

"This is what happens when you hire short people." Rosie replied. "Or when you keep the Firewhiskey on the higher shelves." She smiled, before turning to Cedric. "Chop chop. Out you go." 

Cedric chuckled, moving out from behind the bar, and slipping into a stool just like before. "So what is it then?" He asked, and Rosie sighed, passing him a mug of butterbeer. 

"I'm sure you're currently aware that majority of Hufflepuffs - and well, majority of the school - aren't exactly friendliest with Gryffindors." Rosie shrugged, peering over to the table Cedric was sat at previously. 

The Hufflepuffs sat there where laughing, and a couple glanced over to where Cedric and Rosie were. "And I suppose you understand why?" Rosie continued, and Cedric nodded slowly. 

"I do.. Do you want to practise tomorrow maybe?" Cedric offered, and Rosie contemplated, before nodding. 

"I'll see you back at school, Cedric." Rosie smiled, somewhat sadly, and taking some of her mugs of alcohol and walking over to the table, placing them down. 

Cedric nodded. "See you back at school." He mumbled to himself, as he walked back to his table, where he would instantly be bombarded by questions from his friends. 

Perhaps it would get better. The hard feelings between the two houses couldn't last forever. They didn't want to end up like Slytherin and Gryffindor. 

Hopefully it would get better. Cedric really hoped so.

𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗶𝗱 𝗹𝗮𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗻, cedric diggoryWhere stories live. Discover now