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-: sixth year :-


. . .

Rosie woke up the next morning with a headache and about a billion blankets piled on top of her body. Or at least it felt like that. In reality, she still had her dress on, Cedric's dress robes on top of that and her duvet. 

Swearing under her breath, Rosie dragged herself out of bed, a pile of material falling off of her. She made her way over to the mirror and stared into it, completely ignoring her own appearance, but rather her dress.

Reaching for her wand, Rosie muttered spells under her breath which returned it to it's original state - rather than the flattened mess of fabric it had become. After she felt satisfied how it had been altered, she slipped out it quickly, hanging it up and zipping it into the garment bag. 

Checking the time, she found out it was nearing ten am, and feeling slightly drowsy still, she decided to shower. After showering, she pulled on the sweater from Mrs Weasley and a pair of jeans, trudging down to the Common room.

"Well aren't you a pretty picture." Fred commented, taking in what seemed like a half-asleep Rosie, who still had smudged mascara under her eyes and her hair was in a knot of waves from the night before - but the pearls had been taken out, presumably by Angelina. 

Rosie flicked the back of his head, and the boy yelped as she sat down. "I didn't realise I was your date still." Fred grumbled and Rosie glared at him. "After you ran off with Pretty Boy Diggory, I assumed that you were now his date."

"As did Cho, from the looks of things." George swallowed rather harshly, and Rosie jerked upwards, staring over at the boy, suddenly rather awake and certainly interested. 

"Cho? What did she do?" Rosie seemed somewhat overly interested, and whilst George was taken aback by her enthusiasm, Fred just nodded knowingly.

"Well, according to Harry, she wasn't looking very happy at breakfast this morning. And last night looked rather sour quite near the end." George told Rosie, who looked like she was hiding a smile.

"Good." She said, decidedly. "Thanks Fred for helping me at the beginning there. I think we did a fabulous job at making them jealous."

"Sorry you did what?" George asked, blinking at the pair. "You were trying to make them jealous - them meaning Cedric and Cho?"

"Yup - but I think Rosie managed perfectly on her own. What, with Theo and then Cedric later on?  Rosie managed Cho so jealous she could barely breathe, serves her right for that shit to her." Fred rolled his eyes, an arm wrapped around Rosie's shoulders.

"I was supposed to be eating breakfast with Theo today." She said, oddly calmly for someone who had missed something. "I can't be bothered to go down now, it's too late. Do you think he'll be there for lunch?" 

"S'pose so." Fred said, glancing down at Rosie, who was falling asleep. "Hey!" He said, pushing her head up. "You know we're supposed to be doing things today."

"Like what? It's Boxing Day, we're supposed to sleep and eat leftovers and do nothing." Rosie whined. "The Canary Creams can wait, let poor Neville have a break." 

"Actually we were going to test them on Ron." George mumbled. "We reckoned he could use a bit of humbling after his fuck up with Hermione." 

"Let's go get those custard creams." Rosie said, about to jump up, when Fred pulled her back down. "Hm? I thought-" She started.

"Rosie, you're right." Fred said, and the girl stared at him like he had just admitted to being another person under polyjuice person, and George wasn't his twin at all. "We need to sit here and relax, just for one more day." 

"God what's gotten into you." Rosie muttered and George wondered the same thing. In reality, Fred didn't care much for just relaxing, but was just very comfortable and happy with the position he was sat in.

They spent the next hour or so sat there, just relaxing and having fun. Soon enough, lunch came around, and Rosie, who was practically starving, almost ran down to the Hall.

She stood on her tiptoes, just by the doorway, peering over the many heads of students there. "Oh, there's Theo. I'll see you guys later?" She looked back at the twins.

"Have fun." Fred rolled his eyes and Rosie giggled, practically running across the hall and slipping into the seat across from Theo, tapping him on the head - not even caring that she was at the Slytherin table. 

Fred and George weren't the only ones watching, however. Cedric hadn't seen Rosie since the night before - and although he was tipsy, every single moment he spent with her the night before was ingrained into his memory - it was some sort of turning point. 

And whilst his decisions the previous night had been pretty clear cut, he felt a strange, new emotion appearing his stomach, an aching, unpleasant feeling. 

Next thing Cedric knew, he was striding over to the Ravenclaw, approaching the dark haired girl and asking to talk to her in the hallway, where he would apologise for his actions. 

Even though he had told a certain someone that after the Yule Ball, he wasn't going to be around that person anymore.

𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗶𝗱 𝗹𝗮𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗻, cedric diggoryWhere stories live. Discover now